Do you know, that every thought vibrates with a certain frequency? This is not philosophy, this is physics!


Albert Einstein once said: "Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

But what does it mean?

Positive thinking, or positive attitude towards life and people - helps achieve goals, extends life and gives a sense of happiness. How to learn positive thinking? Today, quantum physicists confirm that, what the Far East teachers have been teaching for thousands of years: thought is a wave of energy and how every energy can destroy or build.

Each thought vibrates with a specific frequency that attracts a similar frequency. Thought evokes emotions that also produce vibrations. So thoughts and emotions are waves of energy that we send outside.

Positive thinking is like a magnet. Depending on the quality of our thoughts and the words we say, we attract different events and people to each other. Looking from the perspective of discovering quantum physics, we create our reality every day with the help of thoughts, emotions, desires, beliefs, ideas and expectations. Thoughts and words are vibrations that affect the world around us. They are intentions that we send outside. This is how the law of attraction works - a universal law operating in the universe. Quantum physicists and some psychologists refer to it. They emphasize the importance of thoughts and spoken words and the emotions that accompany these words.


It's really important to know, that we shape our lives with our thoughts and beliefs. Often we do not know exactly what we want, but we know exactly what we want to avoid. By saying clearly what we do not want, we nourish this unwanted sphere because energy follows our attention. So we water the weeds instead of flowers. So try to think positive and positive things will happen!

Have a beautiful day everyone! :)

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