OUR BRAIN AND MUSIC. | Are there people who hate music?

Some say that music is the universal language but say this, is a little exaggerated. Yes, we can interpret the emotions transmitted by a song but we can not fully express our thoughts through it, the language is much more complex.


For example a foreign could follow the rhythm of a Salsa and find it captivating but could not interpret the lyrics if the song is insulting. Salsa is a musical genre but musical genres are very difficult to categorize because they are based on culture and are very subjective. Some people may think that a song looks like a salsa and others may say "this is a bit of salsa with Carlos Vives".


But how many musical genres are there? You know ... Alternative, rock, classical music, etc. As I said it is a bit difficult to determine but some say that they are 41 and others say they are 22. The most interesting thing is that these genres have subgenera and numbers increase incredibly.

Glenn Mcdonald A music-loving engineer has managed to collect 1,264 micro-genres of popular music on a single page; Your page is called: Every noise at once. Because while musical genres can be enjoyable, putting them all together and playing them at the same time will produce noise. Yes, imagine 1264.


Here I leave the link to Every noise at once

To enter and listen to new genres. Those who like music can have fun. But why do I say "To those who like music"? Do not we all like music? No, we do not to all like it!

The one that does not like a type of music is very different to that you do not like the music at all, and yes there are people who do not really like the music and no, they are not crazy. These people just do not feel pleasure in listening to music, and it does not matter whether they listen to it or not. And if they like it, it has to be related to something more like watching a movie, for example people who only listen to film soundtracks because they remind them of those but do not feel any pleasure in listening to other types of music.

And is that enjoying music depends on the dopamine that in our brain is released, dopamine is a chemical that helps us to feel good. People who do not feel pleasure in listening to music can continue to produce dopamine with other incentives such as sex, eating something delicious, or taking out the lottery. But that is not why they have something wrong in their brain.


Those who have something wrong in their brains are the people who suffer from Amusia is a disability in the perception of music. People who suffer from Amusia are unable to recognize musical notes and therefore music. Some people with this condition describe the music as the same noise that pots and pans would make when they fall, the high notes are torture and the opera is just people screaming.

Of course there are different types of Amusia. People suffering this conditions, report having different experiences and science still does not have enough information about this disability. Studied science well is the brains of musicians, and he have some advantages. When a musician plays an instrument, fireworks occur in his brain.


Studies have shown that when a musician plays an instrument practically all his brain is activated at the same time, especially the visual, auditory and motor cortex. In addition, the corpus callosum of musicians' brains (those fibers that communicate both hemispheres of the brain) is almost 15% larger, they also have larger cerebellar and about 30% gray matter. That particularity develops best when you are a child, when you learn to play an instrument since childhood, because your brain is in full develoment.


Of course adults can learn to play an instrument but because the brain is fully developed it is not going to be so easy. Obviously it is very possible that you learn to play an instrument but remember this: to be a teacher in a certain instrument requires more or less 10,000 hours of your life, equivalent to 3 hours a day for 10 years.

Tell us which is your favorite genre of music, if you do not like music or if you have Amusia. For me this has been everything for this post! Until next time! Bye.




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