Am Going Crazy

Some part of me is telling me not to give up that if there is life there is hope but another part is really telling to give up, nothing seems to work. I have tried what i could do, i am not strong or prepared enough for what am facing. I live in a house where it is believed that so far you have eaten you have no or very little problem to deal with.
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I am tired of asking for help, i want to help others too. Am not getting younger as the days go by but i am getting older, when will i be financially librated is all i think about everyday. Even when there are signs of hope, am too disappointed to cling on to that little hope.

To my understanding i have been a good boy, trying to always do things the right way at almost all the time. Am not saying i have been perfect but i know i have done things the right way compare to others around me. All the good boy good boy what have i achieved so far. Though am not jealous of what other guys are buying but i think i should be worried of what i have done wrong.

Am just worried, really worried... Am tired of this world but i hope i will have the strength not to give up... God please help me am loosing my mind.😭😭😭

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