Spinning in the electronic world around me

Like so many others I'm struggling. Struggling to find a way to maneuver the madness this world has become. For people like me, who are the introverted sensitive type, it is so easy to get overwhelmed. Mental overload is what I call it.

Our society or at least the where I am from, is stimulated to the max! Our addiction to our electronics has taken over and has become a terrible habit. Our minds constantly feeling pulled to check our messages. To see if anyone has replied to our Steemit or Facebook or Twitter posts. To check the news, sports scores, weather, stock numbers... it's constant. The need to know right now weather we're at the dinner table or in class or at the park with the kids or even driving. We feel a magnetic pull to our devices.

And I'm very much included in this!

I honestly feel like I can't take any more info in! I feel like my head is spinning. Like an overworked computer with a billion files open all at once. My thoughts racing from one thing to the next. And although I feel this way, I still type out this post on my phone. Sitting on a quiet train into the city I must prepare myself for the chaos that I know I'm heading into. My anxiety is already high, my thoughts crowded and I wish I could just go home.

Lately more than ever, I am feeing ready to make a change. For my mind and soul. To start living a more enriched life. Get back to the simple life of quietness. To spend more time enjoying my family and loving myself! Meditating and Yoga is definitely high on my to do list.

Anyone else feeling the same way?

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