Time is our most precious commodity, we spent ours today celebrating my grandma’s 84th Birthday!!

It was truly a magical day, and I couldn’t think of any better way to spend it than celebrating the birthday of the best person I know.


If you'll glance at the top of the picture you'll see the Scrabble game sitting on top of the cupboard. This is her passion and she's amazing at it. She might be 84 but she's still sharp as a tack. She takes on all comers and I've had to leave with my tail between my legs more times than I can count. :(


A trip to grandma's is not complete without amazing home cooking. Summer time means firing up the grill and homemade potato and macaroni salad. The fruit is simply a garnish. :)


The day was the most gorgeous day that I can remember for some time, but it's always funny how life seems much more vibrant and beautiful when you're spending your time with the people you care about the most.



She lives out in the country with a lot of land, so we took the kids on a walk around the property to work of their sugar buzz from the cake and ice cream. There's something about being in nature that really calms the soul and relaxes you. It just slows things down and brings great perspective.


With such a beautiful day and a steady breeze, the kids decided a kite flying contest was in order. Here's Emm tossing her hat in the ring to give it a go.

Day's like today are what we live for. It's freedom at it's finest. We have a choice every day on how to spend our allotment of time we are given. The choice we make is up to us. That's what I feel Steemit presents to all of us, a path to more freedom. Steemit is a innovation we have never witnessed before, a vehicle that can transform many people's lives across the globe. I know of several people already who have been able to make Steemit their primary source of income, and break the chains of working their life away. Working 40 hours per week for 40 years and then maybe being able to retire if your lucky is my definition of insanity. Steemit I believe will change this for many people. Write about what you love, provide great content and back that with dedication and a little hard work, and you never know, Steemit might be able to do that for me or you. There's no time like now to get started.

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