14 ways to make 2018 a better year

The new year is here. Some of you have already entered the zone while some others are licking the last few minutes of 2017. Whatever may the time be there and whatever may be your age, there is one thing common for all of us: The New Year's Resolutions.

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(Image credit : theCurvyFashionista)

Just like every other year, here you have another great hope for a new beginning, some new possibilities, and many new dreams to fulfill. Here is a list of a few things that can be added to your todo for 2018.

  • Finish the Incomplete
    There was a new year a year ago as well, there were resolutions back then as well, and there are high chances most of them never got fulfilled. Here's your time to give those preexisting goals another chance.

  • Fit in fitness
    Regular exercises associate with more health benefits than anything else known to man. Naturally, having a fit body reduces the risks of some cancers, increases longevity, enhances mood, and helps achieve and maintain weight loss. Well, your body is what you have at all times and everywhere, keep it happy.

  • Monitor progress
    You do realize that successful people are always competing and comparing themselves. The reason is not that they don't have competitors, but because the inner satisfaction of beating oneself is greater and more persistent than getting ahead of someone else. The best way to monitor your progress is to sit down and think of what you were (insert time here) ago and how you compare to that.

  • Quit an addiction
    There is a fine line between liking or loving something and having an addiction to it. Addictions aren't going to take you anywhere good. Addiction to anything is harmful. Slowly move away from it.

  • Quit smoking, drinking
    The only thing that feels better after a drink is your brain, or should I say the brain seems to feel better. What you don't realize is your body suffers at the same time, and in the long run, your brain itself too. Smoking or drinking occasionally is fine but again, these are addictive and have adverse effects and should be resisted.

  • Enjoy life more
    Given the hectic, stressful lives of millions around us, it is no wonder that "Enjoying life more" has become a popular new year's resolution in the recent years. You don't have to be productive all the time, you need to take rests equivalent to the amount of stress you pick up. Take long sleeps once in a while, pick up a new hobby, go to movies, head to a spa. It's important to make time for a happier and healthier you.

  • Start saving money
    You never know what life can bring in for you and being broke financially can be one of the worst times in your life that can be avoided if pre-planned. Start saving money right now.

  • Learn something new
    Education would be one of the easiest new year's resolution to keep. You can learn a new language, and maybe you always wanted to be able to play guitar, perhaps you're considering a career change. Learning something out of your knowledge sector can be very rewarding.

  • Make time for family
    Family time is an essential factor that helps to create strong bonds, love, connections, and relationship among the family members. Spending quality time with family does help in coping with challenges, instill a feeling of security, inculcate family values, fill kids with confidence, and much more.

  • Get struck by a cupid
    Falling in love is an experience of a lifetime. There’s nothing better than someone holding you in their arms and not letting go. Also, its the most beautiful thing to happen in a new year. Open up, find a way to get that experience if you haven't yet.

  • Adopt a pet or a plant
    The devotion, love, and loyalty of a pet can never be matched. Feel the bliss by giving one a home. The love one can possess for their pets or plants can't be possessed with anything else.

  • De-clutter with accumulated junk
    Life gets a lot more organized with unnecessary extras gone. Donate the unnecessary stuff to charity and sell off the things that can bring in cash. If your mind feels you're gonna need that someday, trust your instincts, most likely you won't need it and you'll find a way even if you do. Let it go for now.

  • Be more or less social
    If you have been out of touch with your pals and peers, social media would help you gather. But if your virtual life is affecting your personal life, it is time you dwindle that.

  • Hate less, Love more
    It's much nicer to be known as the one who sees the world through rose-colored glasses. People like to hang out with happy people. Nobody likes hanging out with a Negative Nancy. That's the kind of mindset you need if you don't have already. There are good sides to everything, you need the optimistic side of your mind to whitewash the pessimism.

The goals are endless, the possibilities are limitless, and the experiences are countless. This new year can be super exciting and super refreshing provided your resolutions are realistic and you are consistent with them throughout the year. The effort is yours to put but before everything else, you have to make the choice, to make this year a better one for yourself and everyone around you.

Well, off I go now. Thanks for reading.
Happy New Year 2018, have an exciting life ahead!

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