Risk Vs Reward

Have you ever heard the saying: "What you put in is what you get out"? In this short post, I am going to enlighten you to the best of my ability!!

If you have ever practiced or trained for a certain sport, you have obviously realised that the effort you put in... determines your ultimate performance. If you are training to do he tour de France, you will not be able to do it if you have only been training for 3 months... It takes time and effort. The riders of the tour de France typically train between 80km-150km a day... every day... for several months if not years!!!

When you are deciding to start a business... you have to take a massive risk to actually succeed... for example: If you are starting a small grocery store, you need to buy the product you are going to be selling... that is your risk, your reward would be the poeple coming in and buying the products!! If you hadn't taken that risk to begin with... Your wouldn't have gotten a reward!!

Now you also cannot expect that it will happen everytime that you get something positive... You have to plan it properly. Going back to the Grocery store idea... If I have 20 Units of Payment to start off with, I have to keep in mind that I have to pay for my shop space, products as well as my employees! Therefore I cannot buy 20 units worth of product in hopes of them all selling, if you do do this, the products might expire as you have bought tooo many, you cannot pay your employees and you will most certainly be asked to leave as your are unable to pay for your shop space!

The point that I am trying to convey is that you can definately make good use of the risk/reward factor... If you plan it properly... If you fail to do so... You are going to end up in a dee pit and have to make a plan to get out!

Thanks for taking the time of YOUR day to read MY Post!


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