

I remember when I was a little child, on Sundays, everything used to be very quiet. Only some people were on the streets going or coming from the church. All the shops were closed, so, those who didn't go to church used to stay at home with their family or friends, or if the forecast was good, they would go for a barbeque somewhere close to a river or a forest. And there were many who wouldn't go to the church because they were afraid of the government.

The cars were just a few in the city, and not all of them were allowed to circulate on the roads on weekends. Back then, our country was ruled by the communist party, and they tried to control everything, even where and when you wanted to go.

Praise God; we don't live in those times now. We have freedom, and we can go everywhere we want, without being afraid that somebody would persecute us. We have liberty, but unfortunately, most people don't know how to use it. It might sound foolish, but this is the truth. I asked myself many times, why there are so many who do not know how to live in times of freedom? The answer that came to my mind is this: their bodies live in freedom, but their souls and minds are still in slavery.

You have the right to be happy, to enjoy the small things and the important things that come into your life. You have the right to love, to smile, to encourage, to have hope, to be a better person. And, of course, you have the right to praise God for everything He did for you!

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