Mindfulness for Young Children

Is Meditaion Hard?

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When I was a youth, if someone mentioned the word meditation, I would quickly picture some ancient yogi pondering on the meaning of Universe while sitting on a giant pad of lotus petals.

"I could never do that," I'd say to myself, and when I was younger, I felt that I had too much "going on" in my life and too busy to something as "intricate" as meditating.

Well, now that I am older--I know better.

Meditation is not too difficult to do- even for kids!

There are so many ways to meditate but I'll just jot down here what I've done in the past- with my own children as well as with classes (that I've taught) full of two to four year olds:

  1. Ask the child/ren to sit with you somewhere in a relatively quiet place (indoors or outdoors).
    Let them know what it is that you are about to do. (e.i. "come sit with me over here, we are going to meditate now")

  2. Quietly command their attention
    Simply looking into their eyes (this may take a little practice on your part--a lot of times, as parents, it is easier to voice a command--try to talk as little as possible!)

  3. Do a small "ritual" to signal that the meditation is to begin.
    Depending on learning styles, age, personality--this could range. Here are some ideas:
    *clap 4x and rub hands together then fold them unto lap
    *take a few deep breaths
    *do a few "ohms"

  4. Sit quietly
    Rule of thumb, when just starting out, try starting with 15 seconds for each year of age. (e.i. 1 minute= 4 years old, 2 minutes = 8 y.o.) You can always add more time as you go!

  5. End the meditation with a simple phrase/ word/ gesture.
    *** I like to hold my hands together and say "Namaste"---you should try to say/do what is most natural and comfortable-- "Amen" "Thank you" or "We are done, now go play" are some suggestions.


For children with special needs--depending on ability--give the above mentioned steps a try.
I found that in some cases, touch may be needed (holding/stroking hand) while sitting with the child. Some children would do well holding an object--maybe one that you would use solely for the meditation- like a "worry stone" so they can rub it in their hand-- this is very soothing and may help calm them.


Taking a quiet moment always helps clear the mind and makes for a better day--and the children will learn this with practice.

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