No Sunday Stuntday :(

Sunday I did not get to ride the lot :( which is not the worst thing ever since I really got hurt last Sunday. I got some gnarly road rash and hit my head again. I rode down to meet my 2 steemy frands and in my attire because it was sunny and clear! Of course a huge rainstorm not showing on google weather comes rolling into the city. So I ride home after it rained but it starts up and pelted me for 20minutes. Rain with no jacket feels like needles and burning.

The end of my ride sucked but the beginning was so great! As I rode to the coffee shop I ended up behind a SUV with seats facing the highway and 3 kids were sitting there. There were 3 girls and one waved at me but the older one stopped her. I waved back and they just watched me ride my bike for the 10 minutes I was behind them. When I took my exit I took my hands off my bars and waved big to them as long as I could! They all 3 waved back and I just hope they were inspired as their cute moment inspired me. I love seeing young girls get excited seeing grown women do stuff. We need more positive role models and yea even though I was being a squid (essential a rider with no gear and other definitions follow this term) I still feel it's important.

Instead I rode to uptown after I cleaned my place and visited @Vermillionfox and @kommienezuspadt

They always are drawing or well more than likely playing magic cards with @tarotbyfergus

LOL @Vermillionfox got in the pic of my helmet and Dirty Chai (my faveeee drink!!)

I have been dedicating time to drawing people more often. I draw a lot of horses and want to expand my art skills. I came across this cute human/animal looking dude and wanted to try expressions. Felt great and I noticed my sketches come together within 20 minutes. Felt great and I can't wait to make more time to draw with my artsy friends <3.

I will post the video of my gnarly crash this week! It is a great video with music too. I took time to edit it and make it how I like. The ideas for my riding videos just randomly come to me based on the music. I will post more of my videos I have made :)

I will be back on the big bike this week! I rode the 50 tonight and I kept it straight!

Comment anything you'd be interested in my sharing my opinion or parts of my life on too!

Pic of me below after my 20min in the painful rain!

xoxo moony

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