When does the enforced obligation of society become unbearable?

I became a "curator" -

From Latin curator (“one who has care of a thing, a manager, guardian, trustee”), from curare (“to take care of”), from cura (“care, heed, attention, anxiety, grief”).

Just what the hell did I think of, when asking for this roll? How on earth should I tackle this work?! But may I start this story from the beginning.


In the sixties on a cold November Sunday afternoon I was born in one of the richest countries on earth (I told you I have to start this story in the beginning, you'll need some of my basic informations to get my point of all of this)...

The moment we arrive in this world, we are right away abused and violated. At least I had no change of defending myself against many of these atrocities. Named, vaccinated, baptised, catalogued and soon enough schooled to become a "proper" human. Yes, folks in society are civilised, with good manners and better education then their neighbour. And the more money they have, the more they control you, from the moment you're conceived.

And just using the word education in the sense of societies obligation makes my blood boil. I can not remember one time someone has educated me on some real life important issues, none. In this system it's always and only about profit and being quicker and better then your neighbour. I tried to find some normal beings in my life long research, but only some small groups or communities exist, with there members often ridiculed or worst. But I'm jumping to quickly here...

From the moment on I can remember my life, I understood that in this reality something "everything" was wrong. No rules without exception! Until today I know about no one who was asked to be born. My surrounding told me that I should be lucky that I am. Which, strangely enough I was, big time and forever! It was just this obligation to accept abuse and violence I really couldn't understand or cope with. Also the people telling you to shut up and go along, because you're just a child and wont understand. Looks like a lot of this made me the rebel I am today.

Society has lots of names for someone like me, but never nice ones. And all this just because I kept asking "uncomfortable" questions on all the abusive behaviour, with my typically stubborn persistence on the respective subject.

Then as a teenager, after the roses-warfare of my parents (remember the danny de vito movie? Not funny in reality), many bad encounters of the school kind, a enforced apprenticeship, because my mother and some career adviser decided that as a musician and artist I never would be able to gain my life, I had too much "good intentions" of the civilized society to swallow and decided for myself to leave my "family" behind and left... (just for five days, until a neighbour called the police because I was living in the garden shed of my best friend). Man, can you imagine what happened next?!


After a bit more then twenty years of being the "psycho", I stopped talking and concentrated on listening, went on doing my job as told and trying to start to forget about the abuse of human beings all over the world who dare to want to live their basic life. I did that with some detailed research, this time just the other way around. Finding the organisations and communities who say they are occupying themselves with helping to diminish hunger, thirst and giving all they can that everybody can live like he deserves and join them... like: Red Cross, WWF, Greenpeace and so on. I didn't knew at that time what illusion I was going to find. You want an example:

The United Nations Human Rights Declaration - What a joke! How is it not clear that every human has the right of living? How does that not automatically include having all vital necessities at hand every day, For Free?

This made me even angrier then I already was. My blood was steaming... But I kept my mouth shut, because I already new how the folks around me would act, if I wouldn't. The years went on I found some good hearted and spiritually intelligent humans on my way. Researchers with the open mind for some change. Just every time the change was only an adaptation of the already existing and in all my years of observations I now know for a fact, that for real change we have to end this society to its roots and build a completely new one from scratch. Just how?!?


All this to say that today when I read articles like the one from @dbroze where he writes: What will it take to see everyone who is aware of the world's problems take some form of action?, or like @corbettreport and his WWI History lesson, it doesn't make me sad any more, since for my whole life I asked the same questions and found mostly the same answers. My research of human history shows that this is a subject from ever and ever, related to humans who are tortured or even killed for there essay to elevate human consciousness to live free and in peace.

The power of a few is just impressive to the point, I join in on the thinking of Etienne de la Boetie and his "Discourse of Voluntary Servitude" where he is asking some fundamental questions about this bizarre behaviour of the masses. And that was written in the 17th century...


Now it is a little more then six years I cancelled all my contracts (bank, insurance and every other obligation violated on to humans), took the papers about my person from the government, gave away everything I couldn't carry with me, left the system of slavery behind me and started living free as a bird. I walked until I found humans who where capable to accept my choice... The freedom and peace I found can't be put in words, if you want to know this real thing... you have to live it.

Still I wanted to share this peace, to all and one! I thought I start a blog, to get the message about this easy way out online, that as many as possible can profit from it... Yeah, wrong again. "Nobody" is interested in all this. The ones who are don't use internet... mostly.

Stubborn as I am I still tried all well known sites like "Fakebook", "Goolag", "Twatter" and so on. Nothing but bullshit, same story as in real life... they all tell you what you can or can't do. Especially the can't!!!

Then the decentralisation started cooking with onions, more and more security with stuff like "Tor" or "Tails"... but I just needed a decentralised blog and there it was: James Corbett was talking about alternatives to the big bad mafia sites... and introduced me to steemit!

Three weeks later I was on it and... didn't really know what to do here. I realized quickly that the whole thing was about crypto money and again I found myself in between the "rich", but this time without any government, police or laws... wow!

Luckily there where some "normal" folks on here, making quality and not quantity. So I stayed to see where all this is going and how I may be of use to all of this... one year later I found some "friends from far away" and even started telling my story. Then I had this mad idea to become a curator for to give the quality content producer a bigger change to get heard... Man was I too stoned to realize what's gonna happen then?!

For the first week I used this very nice steem search tool and got slapped right in the face again. There is so much crap out there on steem, that it made me nearly leave... and on the same time the geeks and weepers started their big offensive against everything they don't like. I just found this excellent post from WhiteWalkingFeather who explains it probably a lot better then me.


So, Should I Stay or Should I Go?! Naaa, don't worry you want get rid of me that easy and the unintelligent idiots don't scare me away either. It's just the moment I want to repeat something I have written here some time ago:

We all are curators in a way. What could we all do to make everybody happy? How can we handle the brute force of the "steempowerful"? The behaviour of some steemians is nothing different to the one of banks, insurances and governments in real life...

For me a decentralized platform would be the perfect backbone to a revolution of human kind. The perfect place to show that we are all able to be respectful, giving always the best for the community with no questions about where you come from or what you're worth. No suppositions, just honest flawless speech to oneself. It's just this ego-selfish-ego who's "always" in the way...

Please everybody, just put your ego under a bushel and come back to your proper human senses. You want some change? So please be that change!

𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕 & 𝕋𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕗𝕦𝕝𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕤

𝔹𝕋𝕎 - 𝕚'𝕞 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕦𝕕𝕖

𝔸𝕝𝕨𝕒𝕪𝕤 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕒 𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕
𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕧𝕠𝕝𝕦𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕀𝕤 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕄𝕚𝕟𝕕
𝕋𝕣𝕦𝕥𝕙 𝕚𝕤 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕒𝕨 𝕠𝕗 𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔹𝕖𝕚𝕟𝕘

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Handyman for:    Silver BloggersFounder of:    FREEyourMIND  -  Club of Sandwiches  -  #justSaying

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