Trying to get back into the routine of writing regularly - and sort this crazy life.

You know, I write a post, and then I go to sleep, I wake up, blink twice. And POOOFF it's two or three months later!!! Well not really of course, but I've been working almost non stop, so it certainly feels that way. Very little sleep, and early mornings...It was never for me, but now I am kind of liking the routine I'm in.
I just wish there was a little more time for me, myself, and I, and also for some quality time with the kiddos....OHHHH YEAH! They're still here too!!! 😄 Well anyway: there isn't. NO time, nada. I have a neat to-do list hanging on my fridge, with exactly 2 things crossed off. Going great.

So what's been happening in my life these past weeks/months?
Let's find out.

OK, so in the title, I said something about this crazy life. To be honest, it's not that crazy at all. Quite boring really.
I started a new job almost 3 months ago. I am not allowed to tell anyone who I'm working for. It's all top secret. But I'll give you a few hints... I'm working for an American company here in Ireland, and one of our biggest clients is another American company, and that's the one we shouldn't talk about.
Let's just say, it's one of the larger job seeker websites in the world. If not the largest.
I'm sure the smart cookies here already guessed it. If you're one of them, you're very smart indeed🤓.
So what do I do at this company who's name we shall not mention?

I'm an absolute bad ass!!! Who doubted me? I'm quality control. So if bad people get on there, and try to scam poor little job seekers, then I'll get in there, investigate the shit out of them, and if I find anything that looks like a scam, or fraud, I slam my little fist on the desk and yell: NOOOOOOOO!!!! That aint happening! You will not scam my peeps that are looking to make an honest living. I will ban you foreva, and call this one a scam reject. Forever is a strong word though, because scammers always find a way to get back on that scammy horse's back again. And trust me, it happens a lot.

So when I first started, in June, I had a hell of a training for 2 weeks. I say hell, because that's what it was to me. Not for my colleagues, they seemed to enjoy it. But in my opinion you'd have to be some kind of masochist to enjoy sitting still for 8 hours a day, listening to someone talk all day. I had a really hard time getting through the day, and often zoned out...

So when I was thrown in front of the lions after two weeks of suffering, I suffered some more, because I hardly knew anything. That first week on the job I thought they'd kick my butt to the curve as hard they could. But they didn't.
Somehow, I made it through week 1, 2, 3, and here we are...12 weeks on and I'm still there! And I actually like the job! Who would have thought that kicking scammers off a platform could be so much fun!!! (in retrospect, some people here already have experience doing that. Now I understand the feeling...)


SO what about your Mexico plans, huh? MissLV?

Oh, they're still there. I've been postponing, and postponing...
First it was the crypto that was supposed to pay for our move that went down the hill like there's no tomorrow.
So I wasn't going to cash out in a loss. Nope, not doing it.

Then, this job came like it was meant to be. One day I got fired because my old company called it quits, and 2 days later I was negotiating salary with the next company.

How about them Law of Attraction apples, huh?


So now I had this nice new job, and I couldn't really tell them: well, you know what, I need some time off soon, because UHM...I am moving to Mexico!
Yeah, that's a big no no in the business world.
So I had to stick it out just a little longer, until I got some safer ground under my nomadic feet, and wait for the right time to do these things.

I mean, moving across the ocean is not a small thing!!!

I planned and and waited, and planned. I got in touch with pet shipping companies.
(ouch, that one hurts...) And checked flight after flight. I put most of our belongings that's still worth something on eBay or any other market places. And I still have loads to go. I've brought about 10 big bags of clothes to charity. Jeez, how much can a human being accumulate in such a short time? I say short, because I bring the same amount of bags to them every year. At least.

And still, after all this effort, it doesn't look like the house is getting any emptier. It's sickening. I've started to wonder if my stuff is secretly having babies behind my back...It sure seems like it!

Then there was the thing about trying to book flights that match the flights the pets will be taking. I mean, we can't really arrive after they do. We have two dogs that are too big for the normal passenger planes, so one of them is staying with a friend, who will send him later. The other is going in cargo, together with one of the cats. Yah, so that's more expensive than our tickets...
Then I have been desperate to find flights for us without having to get a PCR test done. I found the way. It's a bit of a hassle, but it's worth it.

Soon I'll be booking those, and then maybe I'll get a bit more motivated to clear out the rest of the house...

There. That's the update on that.
We've decided that our first stop will be Cancun, then we will be staying in Playa del Carmen for a month or more. And then we'll just have to see where the wind takes us.
The funny thing is, since I've started telling others about it, three already got there before we did. They're there because of my blabby mouth. Luckily they all love it so I won't ever hear anything of it haha.

The plan

Yeah, I don't like planning, plans don't like me and I don't like plans set in stone. So I am going with the flow of things, just one day at a time. That's all I can do. But one of the things I want to do is write a bit more. Writing it all down makes things move faster for me, and I can sit back and read it again to make things happen, because I always get ideas. I already have lots of ideas for when we get there. So I've got some work to do...

I'm not making promises, but I will definitely try my very best to be here more often, write more, keep in touch with friends, and update on what we're doing.

I'm sure it'll be fun :)

Thank you for reading!

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