The Art of a Minimalistic Lifestyle (You Don't Need a Billion Things)

A False Sense of "Need"

Something I notice all the time, usually (and almost always only) from people in the West, is people having all these requirements of material things they just must have. Most of these things didn't even exist ten or even five years ago. The common factor of these things is comfort. Why do you have to be so damn comfortable? Let's take a closer look at what they want and claim they need:

  • A super-clean, spotless, flawless house/flat - Well, life is messy, isn't it? What is it going to do to your psychology walking around in a place where you feel you are not allowed to even drop a piece of food on the floor without freaking out, or that you can never even walk in with your shoes on? Is that the kind of life you have in mind? That it can't get messy? Well, you're not gonna have a nice time then, because in order to succeed, you have to be able to get your hands dirty, and that starts in the home; let some dirt in and maybe you will have some success.
  • Microwave oven - Why? Just why? Literally all it takes to heat food is a gas-heated stove, a match and 90 seconds. You just throw it in there and heat it up. Done! It's false to believe you need this technological wonder.
  • A new apartment or a newly renovated condo - How so? Will you sleep better if the wallpapers aren't falling off? Will you make better crypto trades if you have a newly laid wooden floor? I don't think so and, actually, these expensive things will just make you MORE weary of your environment as if you're living in a glass house, afraid to touch anything without washing your hands first.
  • A lot of things - No, no and no. This is the main thing I've noticed in people from the West. They have literally several tons of things. Are you planning on being on one location throughout your entire life? If no, then these things weigh you down like no one's business, and of course you don't want to just throw them away, but at least try selling some stuff so you can explore this ball of a planet at last.

The above things literally make your existence a stressful mess and will hinder any personal development, because you program your body and soul to be dependent on external things you don't actually need.

Let's Look at Me As An example

Not too long ago I was living in a pretty cozy and modern apartment, and then I felt like I got too comfortable. I was just laying around all day. I did not like this, so I moved away from there and moved into an old building from the 50's. There I immediately started feeling a higher sense of purpose, an increased level of motivation, and I actually felt more of a human being compared to how I felt in the super nice place where I could as if vanish into a bubble and lay there all day and do nothing. It was expensive, it was comfortable, I didn't feel a "need" to do any personal development all because I felt I already "had" it in this apartment complex, and it was a horrible feeeling - a feeling I sense most Westerners have. However it was an AirBnB I had during New Year's, so I got what I got, i.e. I didn't really plan on getting comfortable again. Fortunately, I am not so comfortable anymore, and I feel much better because of it ;)

Photo source: My female buddy (Who also lives quite a minimalistic life outside the West =D )

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