How You Can Find Contentment

In today's world where material gratification is encouraged, it can be difficult to learn how to be content without materialistic things. Everyone is different and no one's journey will be the same but there are ways to help us to be content.

Be grateful.

It's not easy, and maybe impossible, to be content without being grateful for what you have. In fact, contentment and gratitude go together. Grateful people can easily focus on all the good in life and they don't think about what they don't have. Make a list of all the things that you are grateful for, big and small. This exercise is a great way to change your thinking and focus on what's important.


No one's happiness can be based on materialistic possessions because it's your decision to be happy. If you rely on materialistic possessions, you will always feel like you will be happy when you get this or that, I will be happy. There are people who are happy with very little and don't think about having the best of things. Happiness is a choice.

Don't compare.

If you are always comparing yourself with others, it will always make you feel discontent. You may think that others have it better than you because we always compare the wort about ourselves while assuming others are not as bad. No one has a perfect life and we are all unique.

Appreciate what you have.

Give yourself credit for the goals that you have reached and make a list of the progress you have made. There is always someone worse of than you.

Help people.

You can find contentment when you help other people by giving your time and using your skills to make a difference in someone else's life. You will start to appreciate what you do have and realize that you have a lot to offer.

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