Mental masturbation is taking over the world... Fear & negative sales better than good news..? =) Yes!!!

Called Propaganda or many different ways during history... I'm/we're responsible to DO & ACT while we can? The future is here & now!

Universe Jump 3 Kids.jpeg
Image courtesy of Pixabay

First of all, happy Saturday to the Steemit family, hope you are all well & rocking it!!! =)

I was touring my different social platform profiles and realising that more peoples are in fact only looking at the carrot on the hook then the big picture behind...

Here an example of sharing media infos on social platforms, again paranoia on terror or else social masturbation but in fact media society brainwash control...

Screen Shot 2017-08-26 at 5.49.10 PM.png
Source of screenshot & video link in case you need more brainwash =)

It starting to make more sense to everyone that the first to be well checked & well cleaned is our government, security man power & financial system all around the world who are, not all but a lot of them, working sadly for highest bad purposed peoples, who are brainwashing the planet with always fearful, stressing infos about terror.

This "funny one" ends up blocking domestic airport for international terror cases, using those "stupid but well government homemade" infos to do full on check up on them own population, to get more inside infos on every one, not to protect them but control them by knowing exactly what they do, like, want, fear, etc...

You all been playing chess games, imagine you know all your opponent's next moves, you can predict the end of the game easy...

All this keep every one busy watching left when on the right side they already reaching a point where we would soon have no human & planet earth rights anymore...

Start to use your energy for worthy things not only for you but for all and everything around us....
The world can change only if we do and believe so...

Lots of love guys =) for the one who are already hooked keep up the mayonnaise...
I call it mental masturbation but it mite be my swiss education coming up, hahahah!
For all the others brainwash your surrounding with positive ideas & actions.



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