What Is Life Really?? Learning To Navigate The Craziness Of The Modern World

What is life really? We come here with little to no preparation, are squeezed into a tiny newborn body and are expected to kind of just figure it out on our own. That’s my idea of a fun weekend trip.

Being Sane In A Crazy World

What if we were able to change our perspective on life? So many of us have had legitimate challenges in life, experienced true hardships. The tough times we face can harden our psyche, dampen our mood and leave us feeling like victims, unwanted, unneeded and a burden.

This is no good! This is not what we came here for! We are here to celebrate, to become shining pillars of light singing songs of rejoice and happiness. The challenges that we bring to ourselves are meant to be opportunities of growth, advancement and satisfaction. How have things become so dark and twisted??


Starting Afresh

We do not need to go back down that path, we have walked it many times and now have found ourselves in an oasis of sorts. No this is no mirage, we truly have come to a place of well-being and abundance. Yet so many of us are still nursing wounds from the past or have developed thick skin over our many scars. It is time to heal those wounds, to let go of the burdens we have carried and soar through the air with newly formed wings.


Rejoice For The War Has Been Won

Together we are crafting a new world, letting go of the past while using parts of it to form our future. We have created this shift together and together we will rejoice in our abundance. As more and more of us return to grace we will see the love and joy that burns strongly in our hearts begin to manifest more and more in the world around us. Today we can rejoice knowing that the war is over, love has prevailed and the darkness is slowly fading.

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