Twitter's Exodus - Mastodon to the rescue?

There are plenty of people still using twitter, so this might sound like I'm exaggerating a bit, and maybe I am a little bit. But, the point is very valid nonetheless. More and more people are getting shadow banned, or censored really, and for a company who has never actually made any money, this seems like a very dumb move in my opinion.

I remember vividly that prior to twitter becoming the preferred method of communication for the White House, it was always underperforming in the stock market. Since I did dip my toes int he stock market for a while before landing in the world of cryptos, I remember looking at their financials, their performance and thinking to myself - "Why are they still around?" with shocked sincerity.

You may think that I'm being hypocritical and I would not blame you for it. I do have a twitter account, and I do use it. (mainly to troll alex jones, but still) - However, it seems to me more and more that loud voices are looking outside of twitter, and this might be a signal for the big change that is already happening.

Of course, my biases tell me that all these ex twitterinos should be exploring blockchain, but then again I think that is only a matter of time before they naturally land on here or comparable networks. Nonetheless I think this is nothing but a bullish sign my friends.

Have you heard of Mastodon?

It seems to be a bit of a hybrid, combining communities with instances, different front ends, somewhat like reddit, but with a more twitter like interface for micro blogging and such. Now, I can't say I see it like the perfect model, because it seems that the echo chambers might just get even more insulated, but I'm happy to know that people are actively looking for alternatives.

Am I going to go on mastodon and toot (yeah, a spin off tweeting)? Probably not, but I can see this succeeding, specially for the fringiest of the fringe on the extremes. Kind of like bitchute but with short hateful texts instead of videos, right?

In any case... What do you think? Are you gonna go try some tooting yourself?

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