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The greatest man you've never heard of

It was many years ago when I found videos about Daryl Davis, but since the first time I heard this man talk, and saw his self imposed mission, he has truly inspired me. I can't say I can think of someone as brave and as crazy as Daryl alive today.

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His life story is amazing on its own, but honestly I would not do it justice, as he is a better story teller than me. However, I will say that I do believe that it had to be the way it was, that it had to be unique in order for him to even have the desire to embark on such a crazy but powerful mission.

What is even more crazy about this whole thing for me, is that he is technically just a musician. Well, maybe that's not fair, because he has written books, but what he has done for a living professionally is play the piano and at that, he is a true master.

You think you believe in free speech?

How about supporting vehemently the right of your enemies, the people who are supposed to hate you, to speak their mind. Would you do that? Would you like him, be friends with Grand Wizards of the KKK, help them even get to their rallies?

Honestly, I wish there was a thousand Daryls int he world, this whole racial divide would have gone extinct long ago. He has a quote that I absolutely love, and I'll repeat it until the day I have to kick the bucket as they say.

He fights ignorance brilliantly

He does so by having dialogues, by asking questions, by finding commonalities in his enemies. I find nothing but things to praise him for in his views and his actions, and honestly I can't help but to admire his courage.

Would you meet with a man that wants you dead? That believes you and your kind should die? Would you shake his hand?

Watch this. You will thank me later

If you are not inspired my friend

Consult a Physician. This is exactly what this world needs more of, not more ANTIFAS, more wars, more political parties, divisions, insults. We need more understanding, more dialogue, and this man is not just talking pretty, he's been doing it his whole adult life.

A tip of the hat to you Daryl...