No need to be anxious

We all struggle with anxiety or at least this is the case at some point in time in our life. When we are struggling with it, when we are caught up in the emotions that follow, its extremely hard to be pragmatic, to be productive and that reality almost always leads the way to depression.

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I wont pretend this is not a complicated subject, something that we all struggle with regardless of our level of education, health or personal economy. The truth is that anxiety is completely normal and to a degree a necessary emotion. The idea behind its inner workings is to allow us to plan for the future and prepare for different less favorable outcomes.

You could make a valid argument for the utility of anxiety when you are attempting to outline strategies. If you are the type of person to plan a lot, to try to figure out what steps to take if a range of events occur, then its a healthy level of anxiety the one who is keeping you motivated in the dreadful task. I say this understanding that anxiety is something that does not feel good, or at least I can say I've never met someone who enjoys it. I'm simply making an objective case for its use.

What about when its out control? When it backfires? This is exactly where things get very confusing and when the solution, if there ever is one to be found, might be different for each one of us. Since anxiety is mostly about us thinking about a possible future, the possibilities that lie ahead and the fear of not knowing, it might be accurate to say that eliminating anxiety or controlling it, is probably aligned with living more in the now.

I'm attempting to think back to all the times when I thought everything was going to go wrong, those instances where I worried without measure about what someone was going to do, someone was going to say or even a business deal. Most of the time when I would worry to no end, when anxiety had me locked up emotionally, the worse scenario, that possibility that robbed me of my sleep, never happened.

This personal truth has made me wonder more than once if the simplest way forward, the truth we can all share regarding the subject, is connected to a conscious practice of the now. To live today for today a little more. To enjoy the company, the sun, the conversations with a friend, a lover...

Maybe we are not meant to eliminate anxiety ever, but we can learn to keep it at bay almost always...

Food for thought as they say...

Other posts by yours truly

• No need to be anxious
• Open Mic Week 85 - Meno - Top 5 picks and Honorable Mentions
• New to Steem - Tip 5 - Steem or SBD's ?
• Went to a Theater last night, yes, my mind was blown
• sleepy qualie

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