Goosey Goose and Mr Smith Beers!


Well here we are, the end of the year and the last beer review of the year also!! I had better not have chosen a couple of duffers!!

I hope you are all having a splendidly festive time, and if Christmas is not your bag then a Skully Pantsmas to you!!

But wait, this is no time for random imaginings of me in my pants. This is a time for beer! So what do we have?



From the Goose Island Beer Company we have the 312 urban wheat beer. A 4.2% little number. The yellow of the can blazed out on the shelves and given I have been quite fond of Goosey beers in the past I walloped it straight into my basket.


It pours a pale cloudy gold with a fair bit of fizz. It looks a bit washed out in the photo but in real life it was a fine looking thing. I popped seventeen boners when I saw it!!!

How does it taste? Oh man, I think it's great. I really do. It is smooth, creamy and mellow. The wheat flavour is quite subtle. It is incredibly easy to drink and is exactly the type of beer that I would drink piles of in one go. Some people might not like it because of its smoothness but hey, I flipping love it!! I will give it an 8/10!!


Well what can rival that. The next one is a prize winner apparently.



A 4% watermelon gose from the Thornbridge Brewery. It won a homebrew competition in 2017. Oooo, sounds interesting, I don't think I have had a watermelon beer before.


Well this is even cloudier than the last. And it reeks of old socks when I open it. That's a very good thing as you can smell the fermentation. This will be the real deal, I can sense it!

The fizz fades fast thankfully and we are left with a slight flat, rusty cloudy thing, a bit like lambs urine.

The taste... It's fantastic. It's sour, it's slightly bitter and it's subtly watermelon'y. A really good mix of watermelon and beer. Who would imagine such a thing could be any good? I love it! 8.5!!!

Hotdonktabulous!! I feel amazing. Now I just have to polish off the rest of my beers, oh yes, I have more. Tonight the world will end in fire. Or something. Maybe I will just get slightly tiddly and go to bed early with the room spinning :0)

I hope you all have a great new year!! Remember to raise a glass to the famous Scot, Boaby Tadger, tomorrow evening!! It's a tradition!!


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