Better Living Through Giving and The Journey of Purpose

Its An Amazing Time To Be Alive 

What a fascinating world we live in today in 2017. The freedom and reach of the internet coupled with the advancements of technology is really incredible when you think about it. I write this story today for a man who's eyes were opened through the power of giving and purpose. The man in this story is me...

Hi my name is Chris and my journey to purpose began several years ago in early 2005 as I was transitioning out of a corporate career working in real estate and finance. Growing up in a very limited and humble environment gave me the opportunity to develop drive and endurance at a young age. Always striving to reach higher so I could acquire "things" that I did without as a kid. 

This story may sound familiar to some of you that are reading this. I managed to make some good financial decisions along the way and other choices not so much. Being young and living a life of careless spending is bound to catch up with you sooner than later. I found myself in my mid to late 20's making more money than I knew what to do with. 

I thought to myself I'M RICH and the money is going to last forever. In late 2009 the real estate market crashed in the U.S. and it effected millions of people tragically. Many people lost their homes, careers, and everything they owned. I was one of those people. In a blink of an eye all of the "things" I had acquired such as cars, homes, material possessions, etc all disappeared.  Repo's, foreclosures, etc. It was a nightmare. 

I remember making decisions i going to buy dog food or buy me food, am I going to pay the light bill or the water bill? what do I need the most...electricity or a shower and water? The sad part is that many people we know and don't know are having to make decisions like this everyday. I believe that what we are doing today can help change this. I believe that their has never been a better time to be alive and to be able to help others. 

In previous years "success" to me was all about the money and how much I could make because I never had it. Today my definition of success is much different. Today I am conscious and thankful for every breath and every day I wake up. I am thankful for every day I can make a difference. Everyday is a blessing. 

When I didnt have a penny to my name a total stranger helped me when i was hungry and in the grocery store one day. She knew I was struggling and till this day I have no idea who she is. From that day forward it has changed me. Its up to us as people to see past ourselves and get comfortable being un-comfortable in life. Us up to us to change things and to take a leap of faith to help others when we can.

If you have made it this far into this message and short story I believe something has kept you here. I encourage you to ask yourself what can you do today to help someone in need whether you know them or not. Lift them up, make a contribution, talk to them, smile when you walk by....Its the little things that can make a big difference.

Make a commitment to impact and inspire others with every opportunity.  Love yourself, your creator and love others. 

We only have one life to live and when we are gone no one will remember us for our money or the things we have acquired in life....

People will ALWAYS remember how you made them feel though.... Be well and be blessed my friends. 

What Can You Do Today To make An Impact?

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