“Pussy Productions” — A Kindle book - FREE download for next 72 hours ONLY !! (Fiction/Humour)


Grab the Kindle book FREE here — https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NJQX3MP/

This is the story of what happens when an ex-military psychopath, a knighted Etonian, and a hard-hitting South London gang disagree over a porn production company.

How such an incendiary mix of people came to be thrown together at ‘Pussy Productions’, a London based porn production company, is in itself a curious tale.

And how quickly a bizarre series of events escalate beyond reason or control has become the subject of conjecture in societal clubs, working-mens pubs, newspapers, foreign tour companies, and even in military history books.

Sir Stott, the knighted Etonian, is desperate to return things to the elegant normality of life before he joined Pussy Productions.
Hazelhot, the ex-military psychopath’s interminable insistence on creating violent, bloody chaos wherever he goes guarantees for a tale that defies rational explanation or belief. Add to the mix some dwarfs, a few angry Feminists, a famous Porn star or two, and you have more disaster than anyone can handle.

Needless to say the tale unfolds in ways that could not have been predicted, and many high-ranking Government officials, as well as gangland hoodlums hope will never be repeated.

Grab the FREE Kindle book here — https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07NJQX3MP/

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