I Got THREE Flat Tires On A Road Trip. Who Came To The Rescue?! SBD DID. Thanks, Steem! Read Inside To Find Out How To Save Your Ass With SBD.


As some of you may know, I've been out and about, away from computers, the city, technology, internet, and responsibilities (kind of) the past couple weeks. Barring my daily relapses while in tech-rehab here in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains at @tommyinthesun's house (my little brother), it has been a success so far!

For this techno-break/familial-visit/brain-defrag-pre-going-hard-on- @agoric.systems trip, we have in tow:

The wife! @kotturinn


My partner in revolution, @robrigo


Albert Wesker himself, sans-T-Virus, @broester


Me, myself, @matt-a, but I didn't take a picture of myself so I'll just post a picture of pizza because I'd eat some right now if I had it

Aaaaand finally we have my little brother @tommyinthesun, whose house we're at, who you can see below combing his mustache before he carved his beard into something crazy. He's prepping to play violin in a symphony right now.


Here's where we landed. The view from @tommyinthesun's house, which is on the mountain that I grew up on. We're actually pretty close to the top of this particular one at this point:

So, yeah! Now that we're all caught up a little bit, onto what this post is about!

And that issss . . .


On the way here, and within the first day or two, I managed to get not one, nor two, but THREE flat tires. Yeah, three flat tires. Always a great feeling when you get one flat tire, but when you get three, it feels great, on par with watching your first born come into existence . . . but not really. It sucks ass pretty hard.

Instead of patching or plugging them, I needed to just buy some new tires. Three patch jobs on a moving vessel that can sport a blow-out at any moment that results in your body being smashed to pieces, ending your life as well as the other occupants, is not something that I'm particularly into. So new tires it was.

I hit up the baby girl @kotturinn and said "Gimme 250 SBD before I divorce you," and she said "alright, here you go, I'm very scared, please don't divorce me." And just like that, BAM, I had 250 SBD sent to my account.

I took the 250 SBD, plopped it over into Bittrex world

And traded that into some Bitcoin!

From there, I pulled the Bitcoin into my Mycelium wallet so that I could easily buy a Wal-Mart gift card through the Gyft application on Android. But for some weird reason, I couldn't buy Wal-Mart gift cards directly with bitcoin through Gyft, so I first had to buy Gyft credit first, and then use that to buy a Wal-Mart gift card.

With the $250 Wal-Mart gift card in hand, I drove my 15 year old Honda Civic with three fix-a-flat filled tires to Wal-Mart's Tire & Lube Express, the closest place to here to get some tires changed, hoping to god that I don't end up cruising on my rims over the mountains.

LO AND BEHOLD! I made it!!!

I got to the tire place, pulled in, went to the counter, told them what's up, they took my car, I waited a few hours, and magically, I had new tires!

So when I went to pay, I busted out my trusty phone with the SBD encrusted Wal-Mart gift card on it.

They scanned it.


Paid in full.

New tires.

Ass saved.

Now me and my crew wont die on the road. What a lil' angel Steem is.



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