Nervous Anorexia.

First, we must know that anorexia is an eating disorder, it means absence of appetite. This is the third chronic disease that most affects adolescent women.

What is it about?

This is a very strong symptom and always present in young people who are afraid of weight gain, also tend to suffer from a distortion of their image, their perception of body size is generally altered, especially in face, torso and abdomen.

This decrease in appetite is accompanied (in hyperactive people) by the increase in physical activities to burn more calories. In people who do not have this condition, not feeding will cause the opposite, weakness, fatigue, sleep, etc.


Generally the diet they follow keeps the intake of carbohydrates, fats and sugars to a minimum.

Some people enjoy preparing food for others or eaten in secret, after that, induce vomiting, use of laxatives or diuretics.

What criteria to take into account to suspect anorexia?

• Refusing to have a minimum weight suitable for your height / weight according to your age.
• Exaggerated fear of weight gain.
• Alteration of the perception of your body size.
• Absence of at least 3 menstrual cycles or a marked decrease in bleeding during menstruation.


What types of anorexia nervosa can we find?

1. Restrictive anorexia.
In it the person is limited in food intake. Does not eat or purge (use of laxatives, vomit, diuretics or enemas).

2. Purging anorexia.
The individual is limited in food intake, however he performs meals and then purges with the use of laxatives, induction of vomiting, diuretics or the use of enemas.

What complications can we see?

They will be classified into 3 types:

1. Secondary to caloric and protein malnutrition.

A decrease in food intake decreases the elements needed by the body's systems for proper functioning.

Among some of the failures that can occur are: arrhythmias due to a decrease in potassium, seizures due to a decrease in sodium, etc.

2. Precipitated by feedback.

When treating a malnourished person, one should gradually increase the food intake since the organism has lost the capacity to metabolize large quantities of elements.

If increases in blood of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium occur, heart and respiratory failure, neuromuscular and hematologic disorders may be generated.

3. Due to vomiting.

Knowing that hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach which is responsible for the digestion of food, induce vomiting, this is expelled through the upper digestive tract, damaging the walls of the esophagus, pharynx and mucosa of the mouth.

As a consequence it can generate esophagitis, heartburn and esophageal rupture.


If you suspect that a family member has this eating disorder, go to a doctor. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the faster and better the results will be.


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Harrison Principios de Medicina Interna 18a Edición.
Farreras Rozman Medicina Interna 17ª Edición.

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