“boredom is the root of all evil." -- Søren Kierkegaard


Defending Boredom

Nobody wants to be bored… If you're bored something must be wrong.., and implies -- YOUR A BORING PERSON. It has had a negative connotation.., and some people even consider it a disease. A disease that can only be cured, by being in a state of non-stop productivity -- keeping busy.

We have been convinced, even hoodwinked into thinking that -- we must be doing something, every second. And the coffee industry loves this.., as we suck down more and more caffeine in an effort to -- stay busy. In general we are just plain out over-stimulated… Smartphones, iPads, even watches that can continuously keep us distracted.., and our minds busy.

Our Minds Have Been Trained
To Be Distracted Every Few Seconds

We are so, in the habit, of staying busy.., we even have a hard time sleeping, until are bodies and minds are just so exhausted we just pass out. It has gotten so out of hand, that most people these days are -- sleep deprived.., which can have a very real effect on our overall health. We have become so distracted, as a society that peoples attention spans have been so limited, that within.., just a few seconds --we are bored again.

But the reality of it is… Being bored is a gift that encourages creativity and reflection. It gives your body.., and mind a chance to recharge. Positive outcomes, usually require time to think, instead of jumping from one thing to the next, without ever really thinking about it.

"We are less bored than our ancestors were,
but we are more afraid of boredom. We have come to know,
or rather to believe, that boredom is not part of the natural lot of man,
but can be avoided by a sufficiently vigorous pursuit of excitement"
. -- Bertrand Russell

It may be fashionable to always be busy.., but in all actuality, you are doing yourself a disservice. With no time for introspection, reflection on what it is you are doing -- what is important to you.., how can you grow as a person -- evolve. You can see it all around you… People are always engaged in something, from playing a game on there phone, texting non-stop as they walk down the street -- constantly distracted. Just because it looks good to be busy, doesn't mean it is…


The Genius of Being Bored

Being bored can be a gateway to new ideas and creativity… By doing passive activities that most would consider boring can lead to greater creativity. By daydreaming, letting your mind wander.., you can tap into the subconscious and a whole new world of creativity and ideas, that you are not able to access if you are constantly on the go.

If we are not workaholics or multi-tasking -- we have been trained to feel guilty… But if you think about it, we are not only cheating ourselves out of all the brilliance that lives within us.., we are cheating the rest of the world too… For who knows the masterpieces that could have been created if you just slowed down -- turned off the phone.

Your true traveller finds boredom rather agreeable than painful.
It is the symbol of his liberty - his excessive freedom. He accepts his boredom, when it comes, not merely philosophically, but almost with pleasure.
– Aldous Huxley

Psychologists have actually studied this.., and found that there is a creativity decline in America since the 1990's. Our utter dread of boredom is completely self induced and the attempt to eliminate it from our lives completely, has robbed us of a whole new world of ideas.

Constantly being bombarded with information from all of our gadgets, the media.., there has been a definite decline in quality, creative -- plain old storytelling. By avoiding, being bored, we have settled for less quality. Just doing something, for the sake of -- doing something.., has robbed us of the nuance that is essential in all brilliant creative works -- from films, novels, paintings, etc., etc…

So, as the quote at the top of the page says -- "boredom is the root of all evil..," is not true at all. It is in effect a gateway to brilliance.., and a world we have yet to discover that lives in our mind. It is the next great novel, oscar winning film.., or the next big invention. Without boredom.., one can say -- there is nothing new.

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