Approximately 100 individuals are diagnosed every day with autism in the U.S.


Cannabis and Autism

Autism rates have exploded 600% in the last 20 years… Many children suffering from this debilitating disease suffer hundreds of seizures a day.., and sometimes these seizures can cause death. Yes, death… And while the "medical profession" has it's buried in it's ass, more and more children continue to suffer -- even though there is blatant (what they call anecdotal evidence) -- hardcore evidence of children benefiting from cannabis oil. Just ask their parents.

By consuming small amounts of cannabis oil children are experiencing a whole new quality of life -- the life of a normal child. Because of outdated, ridiculous laws some parents are forced to transport cannabis oil across state lines -- from a state where it's legal to a state they live in where it's not legal.

Uneducated politicians that refer to marijuana as "The Devils Weed" while waving a bible and tipping back another martini, should have to experience what these parents, that are willing to break the law have to live with -- watching their child fall further down the rabbit hole, while politicians stand by and do nothing but preach about the evils of weed… Or worse, subject these same suffering children to massively toxic drugs, that do little to nothing at all to help.., and come with a wide array of nasty side-effects.

Autism costs the nation over $238 billion per year, a figure expected to significantly increase in the next decade.

In the "richest" country in the world -- America has an increase in autism that should alarm everyone… Not too long ago, in 1970.., one in 14,000 were autistic. In 2000 it is one out of every 68 children are diagnosed with some form of autism. And the latest numbers have it at one in 55… While some say the numbers are so high because we have new methods of testing, are testing more children, blah, blah, blah… The same could be said for any medical condition.., and if you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I want to sell you…

As with anything related to the government and healthcare.., they want to sit around and debate it for years while children and their families continue to suffer. Some even say the government has even covered-up certain aspects, as to the cause of autism. And while that is just cowardly and criminal, if they have done such a thing -- what we all should be concerned about is a cure, or at least a way to give these children a better quality of life.

While there is no "empirical data" that cannabis has any effect on autism.., and the many success stories are referred to as anecdotal evidence -- the reason for this are our outdated laws concerning marijuana restrict the amount of research if any can be conducted. While over 1.4 billion dollars was earmarked for cannabis research, 1.1 billion of it was used to study addiction.., and little too none for medical research.


And while many medical professionals still look at the use of cannabis for any kind of medical treatment with disdain.., some who have seen it's value have done a complete 360 when it comes to treating children with autism and epilepsy with cannabis oil, first-hand… Doctors who were completely against the use of medical marijuana, especially in children, were at their wits end when their own child was diagnosed and suffered not only from autism, but the cocktail of toxic medication that comes along with it…

Finally, when it was their child's life on the line cannabis didn't seem so bad… As a matter of fact it has prolonged one of these child's life from a 6 months to live, to 6 years later, after the implementation of cannabis oil. Although not cured, this child now makes eye contact and laughs, plays, is happy and sociable… Sure sounds like evidence to me!

Still, even with the success of treating her own child with cannabis many medical professionals condemned her (Im sure she really gives a shit…)… But for her it was nothing short of a miracle, pulling her own child out of the fog and on a collision course with death, to a happy, functioning child… All with a few drops of CBD oil.


Antiquated Marijuana Laws

While CBD oil is working wonders.., and with more THC being added to the ratio, parents are seeing their own children live normal lives, instead of the self-injuring, self-destructive paths they were on… And while America has some of the most strict marijuana laws on the books, research has been lagging way behind.., and it is only because of the love of the parents of children that continue to suffer, that these miracles are taking place.

But thanks to the extremely limited research being done by individuals, like Dr. Bogner, who has treated his own son with cannabis oil.., he has come to the conclusion that the oil, when configured to the proper ratio of CBD to THC reduces the inflammation in the brain of someone suffering from autism. And in the film Vaxxed we learned that it also alleviates the severe "gut pain" many children with autism suffer from, by reducing inflammation.

**These parents are forced to experiment with different strains of marijuana and different doses.., **any many are still forced to buy their weed illegally, making it uncomfortable and stressful situation… They are confronted with; breaking the law.., and the well-being of their own child. For many this is a NO-BRAINER (screw the law). The medical marijuana laws in America are so outdated they make you jumps through hoops just to get a recommendation for it's use… Some families are forced to move to certain states that allow for easier access to medical marijuana,


More children will be diagnosed with autism this year than with AIDS, diabetes & cancer combined.

As more and more states here in the USA continue to legalize medical marijuana, congress still remains silent -- the DEA keeps marijuana a Schedule-1 drug like LSD (which also has it's medical and psychological benefits) and heroin, making it a federal crime. Most state have not added Autism to the list of acceptable diseases to acquire medical marijuana. They deem Autism as an array of "conditions" and not a specific disease.., making that much harder to obtain, legally.

More than half of all Americans, 58%.., believe marijuana should be legalized. And here in NYC, where over 80% of it's inhabitants believe it should be legalized, the medical marijuana laws are so restrictive they are basically useless. There is one legal dispensary that I know of.., and it is basically empty all day. As opposed to a state like Colorado, where you might have to wait on a long line just to enter… And while politicians have preconceived, false and non-factual ideas about marijuana.., too many children and their families will continue to suffer unnecessarily…

Cannabinoids and Autism
Medical Marijuana Autism
Medical Marijuana Study

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