"I'll sleep when Im dead." -- Warren Zevon


Catching Some ZZZ'sss

How much sleep do we REALLY need.., I mean REALLY need -- not want, or covet.., but actually need… There are all kinds of guidelines about the amount of sleep we "need" from the time we are an infant, until we lie down for that big last sleep. And for the average adult "they" say anywhere from 7-9 hours is required, with the optimal amount being in the 8-8.5 range…

First-off, let me start by saying.., I like to sleep just as much as the next guy -- a good ol'snooze fest, from time to time. But usually, it is some government paid agency or "health department" that are coming up with these guidelines.

Does anyone remember the "Food Chart" -- Yeah, they threw that out the window… Or how about the government telling the whole world -- "the air is fine to breath" on the days and months to follow 9/11… My problem with these "guidelines" is that it's the same machine, the same body of people, that keep lying to me over and over…

So why the heck would I believe anything they say.., never mind, how much sleep I need!

In an effort of full disclosure.., I myself, get about 5 hours a night. And there have been periods of my life where I got even less on a regular basis… I have never been one of those people that just LOVES to sleep -- gets 10-11 hours.., not my style.

The Internal Body Clock

Our internal body clock works on two completely different systems -- Homeostasis, which balances out our sleepiness and alertness. And our Circadian biological clock, which regulates the time of day we feel sleepy or more alert… It all goes back to -- feeling more awake during the light hours and sleepy during the dark hours.

Makes sense, right..? Awake during the day, asleep at night.

Too bad, most of my adult life has not followed that guideline… And yet, Im still alive.., and full of energy. I sleep just fine. Being a bartender for so many years, my internal body clock is totally out of whack. And guess what, a lot of people work at night and cannot abide by these mass guidelines…


They say the most regenerative time of sleep is before midnight.., somewhere between 10pm and 2am -- the body can repair itself… I must say, I have rarely found myself asleep by midnight -- that's usually when Im getting my second wind! It's all about the quality of sleep, to me… There are supposedly 5 stages of sleep.., and from what I understand the first 4 are bullshit -- it's all about that 5th stage, that good REM sleep.

There were a few years in Los Angeles when I was bartending.., I started doing quite a bit of yoga -- class was at 9am. I got home from work anywhere between 3-4am.., and would usually get about 4 hours of sleep and then go straight to yoga class. When I started taking a yoga teacher training program, I got even less sleep -- about 3 hours per night.

I can tell you for a fact.., those times when I was getting less sleep (granted I was meditating at least twice a day), I was at the top of my game -- never felt better! And I attribute it to the meditation… Even though I was getting less actual hours, under the covers -- all the meditating was enhancing my REM sleep. And REM sleep just so happens to take place in the wee-hours of the morning (3-7am) -- usually when I would be getting to sleep.

Today, most people are getting closer to six hours of sleep.., meaning (according to "their" guidelines) we are living amongst a bunch of sleep deprived people (zombies). Mass guidelines like "how much sleep we need" are HOOEY… Sleep is a personal, individual thing -- to everyone. So many factors can go into a, good nights sleep.., to put a number on it seems a little presumptuous.

Listen To Your Body

Someone with a manual labor job (heavy lifting) might need more than someone who sits at a desk all day. What is your diet like… Did you eat something heavy late at night… Any particular problems weighing on your mind… All kinds of things go into determining whether you will have a good, restful and restorative nights sleep.., besides the number of hours.

And to be honest.., nobody knows your body better than you… Especially, not the chump making up those "guidelines." You know when you are pushing yourself too hard -- your body tells you… Life doesn't always follow a simple little guidebook, sometimes you will be in situations where you just an't get 7-9 hours of that "required" sleep.., and that's okay. The human body is an amazing thing.., and can adapt to the most unusual schedules when it has too… Being aware of the other things like diet, exercise, nice comfy sleeping area, maybe some aromatherapy.., and some meditation.

Sleep deprivation is a real thing.., and can wreak havoc on your health (make you a little cranky, too)… But if you can find a good balance, supply are body, mind and soul with as many of the things it needs to regenerate an repair itself.., aide it in it's quest for a restful slumber -- maybe that 7-9 hours of required sleep, doesn't have to be so written in stone… And squeezing in a good nap never killed anyone!

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