5 Months of Weight-loss Journey - First Week Update and Failures

Today marked the first week since I started the weight loss journey. This week was challenging and hard especially to get into diet state. There are several things I learned along the way which I will try not to repeat the next week. It's from eating too much, not rigidly following the diet, not exercising regularly and also, following temptations. These are the failure from last week. From this journey, I learned that eating is easy but shedding all the accumulated pounds is not. It makes me realize the importance of mindful eating to maintain our health and physique.

What were food I ate during my first week? was it something like this?

I am not gonna lie, I wish

For the first - fourth day, I was following a rigid eating plan. It was difficult especially after series of binge eating from the previous weeks.

My breakfast consists of : oats with less than a pinch of salt and sugar. I also drink lemon water and unsweetened coffee. It takes time for myself to get use to eat oats. Nowadays, I love it again. It's also fairly reasonable and made me eat less portion, than if I eat breakfast with rice.
My lunch consists of : Rice + vegetables + Fish (any fish available) + tofu/tempe. Lunch is my most heaviest meal of the day. It is my fuel which powers me until midnight and after dinner. This meal plan only works for four days because I was going to uni, meet up with colleague and ended up eating bowl of noodles.
My dinner consists of : 2 pieces of orange and unsweetened coffee. That was it. Surprisingly, for the first four days, It was very easy to eat only 2 pieces of orange.

The Meal plan above worked! until....

On Thursday I went to university to submit my paper. It was my lunch time and I need to eat because my stomach is already craving for food. So I went to the cafetaria and I got a bowl of delicious msg packed noodle. I have an msg sensitivity. It definitely makes me crave for more food and more savory food. As result, when my colleague asked me to hang out with them, I ordered another bowl. This situation caused a ripple effect and disrupt my meal plan.

This situation keeps happening until Saturday. I went out with couple of colleagues for the community service and they ordered a bowl of noodle soup for lunch and so did I. Then for dinner, I was getting fried eggplant to satisfy my savory cravings.

As for sleeping, it's still messed up. I don't know how to fix that one for this year. It's going to take me another year to fix my sleeping pattern and create a proper schedule. I will work with something that I have now.

So Did I loss weight in my first week? not significantly. It was only half kg which I understand because the food I ate.

To sum up things I learned, here is the bullet version of it.

  • Do not be easily tempted to eat something just because a colleague does.
  • Always drink more water.
  • Avoid MSG packed meal.
  • Exercise more.
  • Sleep 6-7 hours a day.

Hopefully next week is better than this week !


img source pexels

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