Happy Belated New Year from lynncoyle1 and briancourteau

I know that for most of you, life has moved past the holidays, but things have just begun to get back to normal here. The holidays in Playa began on December 16 and went straight through til January 6th! That includes crazy fireworks going off any time of the day and night too, excessive and late night drinking/parties, loud music, dogs barking ... did I say fireworks? :) It is all quite the spectacle!

Today however, everyone was back to work so I decided on a quiet walk to the beach. I go to the "local" beach near our house; I love this little path and the way the trees were left alone.
We've had quite a bit of rain lately, so even the lizards were out in full force, sunning themselves :)


It wasn't long however, before the clouds moved in and the wind picked up. Still, it's the most peaceful place I know!

On Mondays, which is most people's day off here, this beach is packed, but you can see that I nearly had it all to myself. Still a bit of a problem with the sargassum (seaweed), but overall, it was a relaxing time because Brian was at home sleeping, so I could just empty my mind for a little bit. There something about the surf coming in, the salty air, the warm wind ... I'm able to take a deep breath and just let everything go for a bit.

Brian is doing about the same; some days good, some days bad, but every day I am thankful for just that ... another day! My cousin is coming to stay in town for 6 months too, staying just down the street from us; it's always nice to see and have the support of family. This is also the time of year when many people holiday here; we've already visited with a few old friends this month, and I'm sure we'll see many more. The socializing is as good for me as it is for Brian too. It just gets us out of our own headspace for a while; plus, everyone is at their happiest when they're on holidays :)

Here's wishing all of you a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2019. My goal is to be on steemit a bit more regularly, but as we all know, the road to hell was paved with good intentions :) So my best will have to be good enough!




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