My journey to becoming a stay at home mom and work from home life.


I really want this blog to be about my profession and not a mom blog, but i can't quit that other job either; that's why i decided to start writing this post to begin a debate between being a mother and have a career and the perks of being a stay at home mom/work from home.


Man, where do i begin..?

It's been a little bit difficult for me to manage this two in my life now that my life has make a 360 turn into this lifestyle.

My life has been pretty much a rollercoaster since i had my almost two year old boy. During my preggo time i manage to work from the beginning to late the second trimester. I was working at an orchestra in the violin section, and by that time it was so hard to make ends meet. Then the orchestra make a long break and i take advantage of that and prepared myself for the upcoming responsabilities..

I basicly move over my mother's house again, and pass from living in the capital to live in a small town where is normal to be without electricity or water for hours or even days. But lucky i was to have my family's support. I not consider myself a teen mom but i think 20 you're just young and yes, i was something like a single mom, although my sons father was doing a few things to give it to the baby we were no longer together.

So i live there a couple of months, recieved my baby and enjoy just being with him. then, after a few months i get back to the capital, get back to my work, without my babyboy or how i was feeling, without a soul.

I was there, feeling i was working for peanuts but continue to do it for a whole year, until i couldn't handle more the situation and quit.

Some people can think quiting a job is difficult but for me it was such a relief. I love music, but i didn't want it to live that way and i needed something else, somewhere i could make what i love but also be profitable.

On the other hand my boyfriend encourage me to start a blog on steemit, So i create this account and wait some weeks to be approved, and then i stared to think: ok, what do i need to do now? What should i talk about? How i would record something? I don't know anything about recording or editing. I felt discourage and thought it wasn't the best idea.

I don't know if i'm the only one who feel discourage after facing with a problem, althoutg that it is something i look up to reset on me.
At some point my ideas stared to be a problem for me as i was not even typing it somewhere.

I wasn't happy to be frozen with the situation and push myself to do something about it, that's when i realize everything starts from an initial idea, yet you have to make sure to put that idea into action, and that's when you would get in the right way to get results.

Sometimes i feel like everything seems to be accumulated, i feel the need to work, but also i need to take care of my kid, who is Finally with me for now (and i hope forever), but having him makes me feel like i have no time to get things done because he's with me 24/7 and it's a crazy demand toddler BUT i realize if i don't push myself to do things, they're just not going to happen, so today i didn't have the time to record something, but i'm taking avantage of my son's nap and writing this. I am movilizing and you can do it to.

Well, enogh preamble i wanted to make this post to talk about working from home and also being a staying at home mom.

Pleople may think its the most easy way to raise your child, but i would disagree a bit. Lets just separate the pros and cons about it:



  • You can schedule your work time and be selective on the hours you would work.

  • You're your own boss and this gives you a sense of liberty on what you need to get done.

  • You would become more organized, especially with your time.

  • You would started to feel productive and this would make you happy, and happy mommy means a happy baby.



  • Your baby can sabotage your work only for seeing you around: my babyboy has mamitis, i call it that way because is a nonsense necessity of being cuddle and close to me, specially when i need to do something important (lol).

  • You can't easily get occupied by other works in home: like cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, etc.

  • The persons who live with you could sabotage your work time to by interrupeting you: like when you seat in front of the laptop trying to write something and they just start talking to you anytime they can.

  • You can be delaying some task for later and procrastinating more: let's be honest on this one. It's so hard to make things done when in The same computer you work you could easily see a movie or funny videos or have so many distractions, and that goes only for the computer. We aren't talking about your bed that looks so comfy without you in it, and the list goes on and on.

So, if i want (and you want) to succed at this we must have our priorities very clear.

It will be more easie if you have some help, but if not it's not impossible. You can make some activities to your kid to do while you work.


Dont sabotage yourself

Yes you love your baby to death, but because of that you need to work to provide him a better life.
having this thought on my mind has move me so much to make things, to write, to search, to get done.

Yes i have many things to do and i can quit them, but i could manage my time to work from home if i make it a prioritie. And i think theres no need to put scales of prioritie or so, you just have to decide what do you have to do and for me it is take care of my son, take care of my new family and be able to make a living for what i love, to play and connect with other people who want to listen/respond to me.

I trully wanted my first post to be me performing, but couldn't make it happen for this time, nevertheless I'm sure i'll make the time to do it soon!

If you reached to this point reading me, i could say nothing but thank you so much. I'm really doing this because i want to drive new ways of living but also to connect with awsome people like you who appreciate others time and knowlegde.

I hope to talk and spread music like butter with you very soon.

Until then.


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