73% True On A Scale of 100 Miles (part 5 of 5)

An ambitious attempt at 100 miles (continued):

Painful pouches of fluid filled under each of my toe nails; I call them grade III blisters..

At the end of it all, my feet looked like dysfunctional disformed pieces of meat- blisters compromising every toenail and most of the anterior portion of both my feet. Relatively speaking my legs felt strong — a testament to the rowing and squatting regiment. I did not complete 100 miles; it was by definition a failure, but that’s the best part. My failure was 73%- by most academic standards a passing rate, but my recollection of the event a true achievement of grit in a new austere challenge that fundamentally and radically tested both my physical and mental persistence. Victor Frankel said, “ between stimulus and response there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom”. I grew — literally new toenails… and a new perspective on my own ability to push my limits and really, isn’t that the only way to truly grow and ultimately find true, meaningful success? One painful, radical step at a time into the void; consuming us whole without loosing ourselves in it.

Maybe the meaning of life is as simple as simply finding some meaning in your life and sharing it

(This is a mirrior of my article on medium.com/@Lifesachase)

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