73% True On A Scale of 100 Miles (part 3 of 5)

An ambitious attempt at 100 miles (continued):

the woods
Like a beam of light igniting a funnel of water beneath its surface I honed in on the dots in the distance. I circled the aid station and limped to my vehicle set on unveiling the white flag; it was midnight after all. I cranked the heat up and wolfed the box of soft sugar cookies- the amazing frosted Walmart 200 calorie a piece cookie: no shame in the running game. My feet ached in a way I couldn’t describe; I popped each of the blisters under my 1–3 metatarsals nails and the ball of my foot for each. Changed my cloths and crawled my way into my sleeping bag in the bed of the truck with no alarm or intent on pulling myself out anytime soon.

I opened my eyes to permafrost coating the exterior of my sleeping bag and droplets frozen to the orange Marmot tent shell. My watch had died from using it in GPS mode, but I felt amazingly refreshed. Shaking from the chill in the air- I pulled on some fresh socks, put on my running shoes and climbed out over the tailgate. To my surprise it had only been 3 hours since I shut my eyes, but I felt great; great being a very relative term considering. I decided to challenge that feeling; l holstered on my racing vest and took steps back into the void; it was 3:05 am.

Stay tuned for part 4!

(This is a mirrior of my article on medium.com/@Lifesachase)

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