The GOOD news is that I AM home, ALIVE and with my family getting a little better everyday! The bad news is since we don't know for sure why this started happening, I do get scared every time I wake up and have a headache.

It's been a slow recovery but, before I tell you about that, I want you to know that I have joy in my heart. After spending approximately 13 nights in ICU and 2 nights on the main floor, on February 4th the doctor came in and asked me if I would like to actually go home! I started sobbing!! I said "YES!" I had only seen my 2 boys about 30 minutes during that whole time. I was SO excited!

20171215_155844.jpg(This was taken this last Christmas before this all began in my life)

Little did I know that this wasn't the end of this journey! I couldn't believe how much my muscles had deteriorated in just a few weeks I was SO weak. I have been trying to workout a little bit each day to try to recover my strength.

Also, because I still had some blood stains in my brain, AND had 2 seizures in the hospital, they sent me home with anti-seizure medication called Keppra. MAN, it has totally made me a crazy lady! I have been suffering from many side effects Including: depression, chilling, paranoia, crying, and even a little anxiety! I hope and pray that I won't have to be on this for very long! If any of you are on anti-seizure medication you know what I am talking about.

Since the doctors still can't explain why this happened in the first place, I will be having another CT scan next month to check my brain at that time. I just hope and pray the blood on my brain is drying up, and I show no signs of any more damage. Also, since we don't know for sure why this started happening, I do get scared every time I wake up and have a headache.

So please if you would, continue to keep me in your prayers. I now treasure every precious moment with my family, not taking even one day for granted! Because no one knows how long they have in this world!

So love greatly, laugh often, and live like there's no tomorrow.......BECAUSE LIFE IS A DONUT!


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