Grown Up Roller Coaster Adventures

For all those roller coaster lovers seeking excitement in the north east. May I suggest Sixflags Great adventures in NJ. It may sound childish but WE HAD A BLAST! lol.


So my friends and I (all in our mid 20's) absolutely love adventure and new experiences. We're known for travelling, seeking thrills and somewhat "living our best lives." So of course we knocked Six Flags off our Bucketlist.



It was a cloudy, yet beautiful day in Spring of 2016. April 26th to be exact.Being the clever folks that we are, we made sure to choose a day DURING schooltime for the kiddos. When the park is just opening. When the crowds and the lines aren't a problem. Right before the yearly school field trips. So we could almost have the park to ourselves.
We were determined to take full advantage of the empty park. We rode every ride. Some multiple times. A few back to back. With NO RUSH OR CROWDS. We were able to prance to the front of every line and board the rides effortlessly.


We rode the amazing Kingda Ka twice! Which we made our first and last ride of the day

And experienced the kilimanjaro drop a total of three times. Back to back to back.


They also have a wild safari. But domesticated animals aren't really my thing.

Whats the coolest amusement park you've ever visited?

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