Response to Article: "You don't know my disability as well as I do" from Sarah Hammer on The Mighty


Great article from Sarah Hammer on the Mighty!! See it here:

In response:
Very well said. It's very strange being disabled...I've learned so much about others. It's amazing how we judge each other. How much we think we 'know'. What becoming visually disabled and finally diagnosed has taught me is that there is so much more that we don't know then we could ever know. Especially in regards to others. Things are not commonly as they appear.

The other end of this argument is if someone disabled doesn't ask for help.... doesn't mean they are waiting for someone to come save them. I can only speak for myself but if I didn't do the things I can do on my own, no matter how difficult or challenging they may appear, I would have little hope. No matter how it looks, I don't need help or I would ask. What an able bodied person sees as struggling, could be a moment of celebration to me! Living with a disability I get used to asking for help when required and I have to ask to survive at times. Which makes it all more important when I don't have to. I understand the offers come from a good place, but I am capable. And if I am not, I'll be the first to admit it and reach out. Hold my beer...err... cane
** oh wait...and medication bag...and coat...and fluids....and well, you get the picture**. :p
But please don't think you know this body better than I do, or hold the responsibility to take care of me. I've got this! And I'll speak up when I don't!

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