Guava Crystals, Guava Without Seeds


Guava crystal (Psidium guajava) is a variety of guava which is now much-loved Indonesian people.

Cashew crystal has a round or slightly oval shape with a bumpy base, there is also a flat depending varietasnya. His skin was light green light with a wax on his skin.

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The fruit flesh is pure white and clear, very thick, crunchy and slightly softened with fruit ripeness. The average fruit weight of 300 g and some even reached 800 g.

The most special advantage is the number of seeds that are less than 3 percent of the fruit that is not obtained in any type of guava.

This one besides sweet and refreshing fruit also has many health benefits, such as high vitamin C content that can improve the body's immune system, antitumor, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories, and can prevent premature aging.


For you who want to cultivate this one fruit plant, there are some provisions that must be considered include:

• Crystal crops can grow in areas with rainfall intensity between 2000-3000 mm / year and can grow, develop and bear fruit optimally at temperatures around 20-30oC during the day.

• Crystal crops can grow well on fertile and loose soil with soil acidity (pH) between 6-6.5 and well drained.


The care of this cashew plant is not too difficult. You only need to do the treatment by giving organic fertilizer, ZPT, and watering regularly and according to size.

If you want to plant crystal guava seeds in pots or yard, should not be brought close to guava plants in general, so as not to interfere with the growth of cashew crystals.

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