Kicking Autism's A$$ (aka Heavy Metal Detoxing); Meet Patrick!

I would like to introduce you to my son, Patrick.

The sweetest little handful you will ever meet!

Let me tell you a bit about Patrick. He was born at a hospital in December of 2013, I did not receive any drugs or medication during birth (or pregnancy) and he was not vaccinated, but did received one synthetic vitamin K shot within a few hours of birth. (Huge mistake on my part) That shot gave Patrick horrible jaundice because he already had plenty of vitamin K in his system from me drinking about 32 oz of green veggie juice a day. They never asked about a vitamin K shot with my other two children, and when I asked the nurse what the purpose of it was she said it was to stop potential brain bleeds because babies are deficient in vitamin K.

Of course, hindsight being 20/20 I should have realized that because of my massive green juice consumption there was no risk of Patrick not having enough. And of course as a medical professional they should have asked me about my green veggie consumption amount to see if there was even a potential for risk, instead of assuming.

After the first two months of his life and us trying to fix his jaundice, he levels finally went back to normal. Everything seemed ok and his development progressed normally.

4 months

5 months

6 months

Then at about a year old Patrick started exhibiting lack of progress in his actions. Between the ages of 1 and 2 everything changed. He wasn’t making any attempts at speaking or making verbal sounds at all. He started having horrible fits where he would try to throw himself into walls or smash his head into things if he would get frustrated or for any reason. He would try to hit me constantly. He wouldn't look you in the eye at all anymore. He wouldn't ever sit with anyone unless he was breastfeeding and he would bite me a lot while feeding. He stopped giving hugs or kisses. He had started sleeping in his own bed in his sister room around 1 1/2 years old (his own choice) but by 2 years old he would only sleep in my bed again.

I finally figured out he was probably getting a large amount of heavy metals from my breast milk. I have been mercury toxic for well over 30 years, and my aluminum levels were also very high when I was tested back in 2012. I was not doing anything to detox while I was pregnant or breastfeeding so I didn't think he could have been exposed to very much while I was pregnant. Until I did more research later on I had no idea how much he was actually being exposed to in my breast milk each day, even without me pulling it from my cells to detox.

Of course as soon as I understood what was happening I stopped breastfeeding right away, but the damage was done. It is possible that he may have already has some other issues from the physical abuse I was exposed to while pregnant. There is no way to know for sure, I'm pretty sure it was a combination of both but more so the heavy metals.

The reason I think that metals play a larger role is twofold; 1.) I had already done a ton of research on natural detoxing of heavy metals for myself so when I stopped breastfeeding I started implementing many of these for both myself and my son. 2.) Patrick started showing progress from the moment I started making changes, even just the breastfeeding.

So in the first year of detox progress was made: 1.) First thing that stopped was him trying to smash his head into stuff when he was upset. 2.) Over time everything else got at least a little bit better.

He never did really try to speak more than a word here or there, but he was at least using sounds and he would grab your hand and bring you to what he wanted instead of just screaming and not trying to communicate at all. I even had him working with one of those aid that come to your house and focus on trying to get them to communicate. He would get really into learning videos on YouTube for Alphabet and counting. He tried to start saying the alphabet but it was very hard to understand anything he even tried to say.

So before we came to @gardenofeden he had made some progress the first year, but he was still a very long way off from what people would consider 'normal' development for a 3 year old. Besides the natural detoxing and organic food, after we came to @gardenofeden I also added nascent iodine to his detoxing and things really kicked into high gear. In the last 8 months he has started saying many words, and even trying to string a few of them together. He learned the entire ASL alphabet, he will spell out words with those big foam letters and then say the word, he is so affectionate and has even grown fond of interacting with many of the adults here and he tries to play with the other kids. His demeanor is overall better than it was before we came. He also loves having the freedom to go outside an roam safely around the 3 acres of land without restriction. Before we came to @gardenofeden, whenever he was outside he had one of those backpack/leash things on because he had a fondness of running into the street after cars. Unfortunately, my health at the time was horrible and I didn't have the ability to chase after him to protect him from being creamed. Eventually it just became easier to let him roam around on the backpack so I continued to do that until shortly after we got here. It was hard to change and let go of that fear of him getting hurt, but it has been much better for both of us since I did.

Watching him develop more of a sense of self has been really amazing! Of course I continue to try and upgrade our lives and health to help him improve in his development. Since we got here the touch screen laptop he was using to play stopped working and I don’t have the money to replace it. I tried to convince my ex to get him a new one, but he felt it was more important to get himself a new laptop so he could waste his time playing online poker.

The next steps I have been researching is additional diet changes for Patrick. Since the beginning of the year I have been trying to keep Patrick (and his sister) on an overall vegan diet, with an emphasis on only raw fruits and veggies for breakfast and lunch and then something gluten free for dinner. This has become much easier now that my ex left @gardenofeden, since he is not trying to feed them stuff like grilled cheese every time I turn my back :-). My ex has never been much of a participant in Patrick's detoxing or upbringing for that matter. Of course the change is new for them and I am not totally strict with it, but overall it is working really well. Patrick has become MUCH calmer since I cut out meat and dairy, and the only really bad temper tantrum he had one day was after eating some ribs when I was distracted with a project. The entire rest of the day he cried and was very violent compared to how he had been acting for many weeks.

What I would really like to do next is get him on some CBD oil to help with the other types of inflammation (especially in the brain). I have been researching it for awhile. As I said in a previous post, I had a plan to sell our camera to purchase some CBD oil for Patrick, but my ex took the camera when he left because he cares more about his own wants than a little boy in need. Patrick still has a huge aversion to using the toilet, so at 4 years old he is still in diapers, and with a new baby coming any day now I would really like to help him move to the next step so I don't have to clean up pee and poo of two children :-)

Not to mention that now I am actually starting an official divorce process with my ex, I'm going to have to go to court and getting them involved makes me very nervous. On one hand I can easily use some of my past posts and history with my ex to make sure I have full custody of our kids to keep them safe. At the same time though it is dangerous to get the legal system involved because it is much easier for them to take away children that have health/learning issues when parents use natural healing methods. If the CBD helps Patrick improve dramatically, which I think it will, that will give them one less point of leverage.

So if anyone has a willingness or want to help us out I would greatly appreciate it! If you have the ability to send some CBD Oil for Patrick to help him continue his progress in kicking autism's ass please PM me @kimberleighfl and I will give you our address. Or if perhaps your child also has problems and you want to know more about the specifics of what I have done I would be happy to share that too (although I do plan on writing a post about just that).

Comments, Questions, Shared Experience always welcome!

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