From Fat 🍑 to Bad A$$; Conscious Thought Transforms My Healing Process

Anyone that started following this series probably thinks I gave up a month ago after only two days of yoga… Post 1 and Post 2, this is not the case lol

November and December were very hard months for me. I let the anniversary of some serious dysfunction get in my way of progress. Although it was all for the best because I was able to work through a very time consuming issue that I had yet to revisit in the many years since it happened. Ultimately, I'm in a much better mind set to do what I need to do now.

If your interested in what I was working through, here are my two posts about it:

Abused & Rising Above: Goodbye baby Part I

Abused & Rising Above: Goodbye baby Part II

So onward and upward! After some in depth self and community analysis the last month plus, I admitted a few sticking points within myself. Yes, yoga is really wonderful and I am super excited to add it back into my life, but with my primary focus on health just adding additional exercise was not going to get me to where I need to be. I don't think I have ever fully explained my health issues, but the short version is that I have mercury poisoning from 15 amalgam (silver/mercury) fillings I had up until January of last year. In the process of trying to heal (remove and detox) my body from this mercury, I also discovered I have Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) which is a very sneaky an elusive virus that lurks in organs and waits to strike during times of weakness and stress in the body. I would encourage everyone to research EBV because upwards of 90% of the population has it and almost no one knows anything about it. Anthony William first book is a wonderful source of information on this front, and he has a blog that you can get the gist from if you don't want to purchase his book. Here is the blog on EBV.

So what it boils down to is this:
1.) I have been taking a crap load of supplements for a very long time (years…) in order to keep myself "functional". And by functional I mean able to get out of bed each day and work some crappy 40 hour a week job, while trying to meet the basic needs of my children from waking to sleep.

These are the supplments I have STOPPED taking since I came to @gardenofeden

This is what my medicine cabinet still holds. Some of them I take daily, some I have just spent money on and never even tried....

2.) My body is in serious trouble, even with the natural methods of detoxing I have been using - which have drastically improved me from where I was at - it is not even close to enough to really heal myself before all the stress, strain, dysfunction, and pending disease eventually kills me way before my time.
3.) Being chronically ill is not something you can just add a few things like yoga and a daily salad and poof eventually you will be better. It is like having massive amounts of rust damage on a car and slapping a new coat of paint on it and calling it a day.
4.) I needed drastic change in the fundamentals of my well being in order to live and eventually thrive in this lifetime.

I have every intention of living into my hundreds, and I won't be attached to an IV skirting around a nursing home waiting for my time to be up!

So my ideas of what are and should be had to change entirely and the only way that was going to happen was with these conscious thought of how to change my process.

I have been doing a lot of research on how to heal the body. It has been the focus of my life for over 7 years, almost day in and day out. Everyone under the sun says to "take this, or try that, or add this to your daily life". Even in the natural healing world it was starting to remind me of how Big Pharma pushes a "cure all" pill for everything that ails people. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge believer in many forms of traditional medicine, including all forms of homeopathic and naturopathic medicine. It has saved my life until this point! Now I feel it has taken me as far as it can and I need to find the next step. Like I said, no one should have to take 10+ supplements a day to just function. It shouldn't be so complicated.

I'm not a fan of organized religion, but I do believe that things like the records of Mesopotamia era and even the bible where it talks about people living for hundreds if not thousand of years is totally possible. Let's face it, our world has become a totally toxic place. We are killing ourselves by contaminating the air, water, and food supply on this planet.

Image Source

So the question remained; how do you heal the body once the damage is done? As I learned more about healing, and was able to clear more of my dysfunction each day with @quinneaker help, I was finally able to start thinking clearer and listening to my body. Here are my conclusions:

  • The first obvious step would be to clear the toxic crap from your life so the damage doesn't get any worse. So much easier said than done. I can't do much about the air at the moment other than trying to get as much fresh non-recycled indoor air as possible. I do have a very clean water source that is filtered as much as possible without stripping away vital minerals. I limit my exposure to radiation from wifi and other sources as much as I can while still using the internet for research and to post. I do make sure anything emitting wifi is off when not in use and defiantly while asleep. This goes for anything else electronic as well that I don't need on. I ground myself as much as possible as well. So for me that just leaves food. I used to have a totally organic diet - but again after much research I found out even the organic diet is not enough because most of those plants are watered with fluoridated water and other things that still allow them to absorb toxins. It can be quite maddening to even try and avoid all these things, and I think that is why so many people give up so easily.

  • The second step after avoidance would be removal of the existing toxins from the body. Which I said before, I have targeted things like mercury for detox for many years and had much success in doing so. But if that is the case why was I still needing so many supplements each day? Why wasn't my body "healing" at a better rate? After looking into this more I started to realize that even with natural methods of detox and healing there is still a minuscule amount of damage being done to the body in the process. Western medicine doctors have a total dogma of needing to 'break the body down to rebuild it' in order to restore health and this is just insane to me. If a plate is broken does it help to smash it into smaller pieces before trying to put it back together? I just recently realized even most plants used to aid health have very small amounts of toxins the plant produces to try and protect itself from being eaten so it can reproduce to create more baby plants. I never thought of this before. Even in homeopathic or naturopathic medicine that is why there is dosing amounts of how much to take.

  • So this left me wanting to know more about what was missing to heal the body. I kept thinking about how in all my research I had read over and over again about how the body can heal itself from almost any disease or issue. Then I wondered why it doesn't… what stops this from happening? This research lead me to fasting.

The general idea of fasting is so simple, and yet so profound. If you are not bogging down your body with other tasks to perform, such as digesting food, then it is capable of doing its primary function of repairing damage and removing waste from the body. Holy crap, could it really be so easy? Most people don't know that your body will prioritize digestion over any other non automatic function. Do you eat right before bed? If so then you are cutting out 4 hours of your potential sleep time for your body to digest what you consumed first. People wonder why they wake up so tired after getting a 'solid 8 hours of sleep' each night.

Fasting makes so much sense. If we get out of the way of our body doing what it is meant to then it can just fix stuff! I think one of the first fasting ideas I was exposed to was when I watched a video that @quinneaker did about fasting years ago. You can view it on YouTube:

At the time I thought, "Well that is great but considering my body is so bad off I can't even breath when I don't eat this is not an option for me." I was kind of right and kind of wrong at the time, but I have learned so much since then!

Now I'm at an interesting crossroads in my life. I know that fasting will dramatically help truly HEAL my body. I also believe that the best way of eating to help this process for me is something of a raw vegan nature. The only facet left is how to implement both of these into my life!

In my next post, I'm going to address these things and how I have already started to incorporate them into my life to gain health like I have never experienced before!

My mission of changing from Fat 🍑 to Bad A$$ continues and at a much better rate of transformation now that I have all my bases covered.

My life. My health. My mind. My spirit. The evolution of my existence!

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