Choices You Make Will Make You

A Lot of people have said to themselves I wanna be rich,
What does it mean to be rich,
My initial findings was to find out what "rich" stands for;
R residual
I income
C creates
H happiness

Because many people you come across are negative and skeptical and aren't ready to come out of their comfort zones , hence why they are "poor"
what does poor stand for;
P passing
O over
O opportunities
R repeatedly

If you wanna be successful you gotta follow the successful "system".
What does system stand for ?
S save
Y yourself
S serious
T time
E energy and
M money

When you're trying hard , putting days and nights , giving your hundred percent(100%) but things aren't going the way you want them to Go, Don't worry , Almighty is strengthening you for something bigger,

Because: "smooth sea never creates skillful sailors"
If you ever "fail" , Don't Give Up...because fail stands for ,
F first
A attempt
I in
L learning

Once you're building something new something Incredible, your Priority shouldn't be how much will I make, it should rather be what am I becoming in the process.
Because remember Knowledge is power.
In any Business first you Learn and than you remove "L" so you can "Earn" .

When you are speaking to people for your Business remember not everyone will get involved in your Business, you are just "Sorting" for leaders,
what does sorting mean;
S seeking
O open minded
R reliable
T trustworthy
I individuals
N needing
G growth

In conclusion to be rich or NOT to be rich (poor) depends greatly on the so many choices we make with the so many opportunities that come our way.

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