Why Your Self Control SUCKS!


So many of us want to be successful, But So little of us do the right things to get there.
Did you have the self control to NOT click on my post? Because I used a gorgeous woman in a swimsuit as my main photo...
Hahha! Only kidding. Sort of.

Key points

  • Big intentions are worthless If they fail to bring results.
  • People have been shown in studies to overestimate their self-control ability.
  • This is a big reason people struggle to change.
  • There is a huge mismatch between desire and ability.

You shouldn't trust your Self Control

I know that I have an unyielding level of self-control. But guess what? You shouldn't trust it. I don't care if you have most self-control on the planet! Don't rely on it to accomplish your goals.

You will likely fail.

  • Self-control is a resource that can be depleted. It's like your energy for the day. I like to think that my self-control, Is based on the energy I have at the moment. You typically wake up full of energy, And you gradually start to lose energy and self-control throughout the day.

I'm so embarrassed to admit this, But when I worked my loading job for a shipping company, It was very physical. I would drip sweat loading boxes in the hot trailer. I would do this for 5 hours straight. When I got off work, I was naturally very hungry.
But I would be so tired I couldn't walk, And cooking was almost impossible for me to handle. So I'd go to Mcdonalds, And get 4-7 Egg Mcmuffins. And I would eat all of them in one sitting! That's a ridiculous amount of calories. Later on, I got obese and couldn't' figure out why, When I worked so hard at work. Once I started keeping homemade leftovers in my fridge, I lost over 40 pounds!

It saved me money! And was better for my health.

  • I own four waterbottles, I keep most of them full at all times, because I know if I owned just one, I wouldn't be motivated to continuously refill it throughout the day, As a result. I would drink less water.

You need to figure out what works best for you! Try and figure out why you have bad habits. They could stem from yourself control just being depleted!

Don't let your self-control dictate your life, Whether you have no self-control Or a lot of it. Using strategies to your advantage will help you get where you want. Make things easy for yourself.

  • Set things up, so you don't have to make many decisions throughout the day. This will help you maintain a higher level of self-control throughout the day.

I do this with my clothes. I wear T-shirts and basketball shorts everyday.
They are all black, So they always match.
I never have to decide what to wear, Other than maybe being a little picky on the T-shirt design, Because all of my clothes are the same.
Making fewer choices on what I'm going to wear, Makes it easier for me to choose other more important things in my day.
You can do this in almost every circumstance.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!

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