Why YOU Should Have A Strict Sleep Schedule


I've been strict with myself lately, Strict on when I eat, Strict when I sleep. It's annoying following all these "rules." But I've seen massive amounts of benefits lately.

You Will Sleep better

I cut myself off of caffeine around 2:00 P.m. I then Don't eat a dinner, Because it can keep me awake later.
I am eventually in bed at 8:00 P.m. And the sun hasn't even gone down yet.
A few weeks ago, I didn't have a sleep schedule. I worked myself to the point I couldn't handle it anymore, Then I would go to sleep. Wake up and do it all over again.
My sleep quality was horrible. I felt like garbage.
Some days I'd sleep 8 hours other days only 5. I woke up feeling even more tired then I was the day before. And the constant work I was required to do was rapidly wearing me down.
When I started my sleep schedule. I still felt a bit crappy upon waking up, But it slowly started to improve, and I gradually felt better.
Until I got to the point, I woke up feeling so "wired" I would have almost all of my tasks for the day done by 11:00 AM! This was something I saw as impossible. Because my daily tasks would consume my whole day.

Our bodies thrive on routines. This is why it's so easy to fall into them! That consistency allows your brain to prepare for sleep, and so your sleep quality improves.

You Can Better Plan Your day!

When I had this messed up sleep schedule. I stayed up as long as I could trying to get as much as I could do, Because I had no idea what time I'd wake up, and if I would have enough time to get my work done.
It was stressful and scary. Especially when I woke up late, Around 9:00 P.m. And I had work due by 1:00 A.m Or 12. Knowing when you'll get up will allow you to make plans for fun in your life, Or work. You can also get work done faster.

You will have better health

Some studies suggest that people who stick with a schedule are healthier, Probably because they are getting enough sleep.
Also, have smaller waistlines. Who knows if that one is true, But when you sleep. You can't eat, So you 'll consume fewer calories!


We all know that sleeping can be inconvenient at times, Especially when we want to keep enjoying our day. But having a set schedule can make you feel better, Be more productive, And just make your life easier. Don't fall into the trap that I did, Thinking if I stayed up another 6 or so hours, That I'd get more done. When the reality is, I could of went to bed, then woke up early and I probably would have gotten the same amount done anyways.

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