It's YOUR Fault You're Not Happy!


Everyone blames the world when they aren't happy.
They blame their family; They blame their friends. They blame their bosses.
People don't seem to like to take responsibility for their happiness.
We have these bizarre expectations from other people That they owe us things, which they should do things for us. That they are the responsible for our happiness. Which is a bunch of bullshit!

We act like happiness is an external force that can be "found." That can be "given." But it's not true!
Happiness is entirely internal.
You could win the lottery right now; You could win billions of dollars, And guess what? That might not even make you happy.

I know people who have spent so much time trying to make their life "perfect" so they can be happy. And they are miserable as hell.
They have unreasonable expectations of others. And they seem to think if they have more money, Or material goods they will be happy. But they don't realize that it doesn't work that way.

You Only Can Control YOU

Don't waste your life trying to control others. It will never work. No one will EVER meet all the expectations you have of them.
People are usually going to do, What they WANT to do. Whether or not it's best for you, Or even themselves. Expecting others to behave a certain way, Or do certain things will set you up for failure.
You can be happy without others doing things for you, Do what you enjoy, and be mindful while you enjoy it!
Nobody likes being controlled, and your relationships will be better as a result.

Deal With Stress Differently

Spoiler for your life: Your going to address a hell of a lot of stress sometimes!
Don't avoid stress, Because if you avoid it. You are potentially avoiding life changing opportunities that are ideal for you.
Often the best things we could ever do in life are ones that are stressful. Becoming self-employed is stressful, Going to job interviews can be stressful.
Dealing with stress the correct way is important. Learn how to make yourself feel better and calmer. Without letting stress damage your happiness level in the long term.

Stress can also cause you to do things you really shouldn't. Things that you'll regret, things that will damage your relationships and your work life if you don't manage it appropriately.
When I'm stressed I take deep breaths; I run, I draw. I do what makes me happy. And If I feel like I could say or do something drastic to the relationships I'm in, I'll stop contacting them for a little while to find my balance and to make myself feel better.

Be Mindful

Enjoy each moment of your life when you can. So many people will be looking at something incredible, Thinking about all the things that make them angry, All the things that others may not be doing for them. And this beautiful sunset, Or moment passes them by Because they weren't mindful.
When you aren't mindful, you are robbing yourself of happiness!

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