Here Is What Music Does To Your Body

Music activates certain regious in your brains, which were involved in movement, planning, attention, learning and memory.
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Music also releases a chemical in your brain called dopamine, which improve your mood and reduces your anxiety, dopamine also induces pleasure, joy and motivation, music boosts your immune system, it can create positive emotional experiences, which result in the secretion of immune boosting hormones, it allows severely brain-injured patients to recall personal memories.
Music also relives pain, surgery patients who listen to music before, during or after their procedures, show reduced pain scores, anxiety and need for pain relievers and when surgeons listen to their favorite music, their surgical techniques and efficiency improve music help in the production of a stress-related hormone called cortisol, cortisol enhances your brain's use of glucose, its main energy source.
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Cortisol increases the availability of substance needed to repair damaged tissues, chill-inducing music also enhances altruism in humans, the music that you enjoy listening to makes you nicer to others and if you are a musician who enjoys playing an instrument your brain will fire symmetrically when you listen to music and corpus callosum area in your brain will increase in size which is the area that connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
A relaxing music can lower high blood preaseure, and can help people suffering from migraines and chronic headaches.
Children with ADHD perform well in maths after listening to music and listening to music during a math test could improve performance by 40%, music therapy during labor can reduce postpartum anxiety and pain it increase satisfaction with childbirth and decreases postpartum depression rates.

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