So many health problems πŸ₯ πŸ₯ΌπŸ©Ί Letting myself down πŸ˜”

I have had a few results back that has given me a kick up the butt and made me have a good talk to myself abs believe me stern words were used. I could cry thinking about what I was and what state I'm in now. This is my wake up call before it gets to late.

I am going through quite a few tests to find out why I'm anaemic and why I have blood in my stools. I have had numerous blood tests then lady Monday I went for a CT scan, this is where they put a dye through your body to see how it goes through your box and to see if there is any leaks.


I logged into my NHS account a few times to see the results, they took there time putting the info in to the app. There was 3 results ready for me to read. First:


This is very common and usually linked to being over weight. I know I have weight to lose but I'm finding it very hard to lose an ounze even though my my appetite has dissappeared. This could lead to heat problems if not dealt with.


These aren't necessarily dangerous and are pretty common depending on the size, I have one measuring 10cm. I may have to have that one tested.


A diverticulum is a small pouch with a narrow neck that bulges out the wall of the gut (intestine). This can become painful if infected.

I am at hospital for 4 hours on Monday having a Colonoscopy and Gatroscopy.


A thin tube called a colonoscope, this lets the Doctor check your entire colon large intestine This is a thin tube with a camera to check your bowels for problems.


This is a tube that is inserted into your mouth then down to your throat, oesophagus and stomach.I am dreading this one the most, thankfully they offer to numb your throat abs you can opt for a sedative that week make it easier for me, finger crossed.

I am really disgusted in myself after all the hard work I did when I was younger. I loved Gymnastics, spent my whole spare time either at a Gym club or throwing myself around in the field behind the house I grew up in. This was my escape from the abuse at home. After School I aim tried to keep up with as much exercise as I could being a size 10-12 right up until I was 28 when I got pregnant with my first born, I damaged my knee way back when I was 14 jumping over a wall snapping my knee. This came back to kick me hard with my knee constantly collapsing on me, 9 operations later I couldn't do much exercise as I was then diagnosed with other problems plus Fibromylagia that causes so much pain. I need to list quite a bit and looks like I'm going to have to do it as these problems are scaring me. I still have the results from the tests tomorrow. Lufe would be so much easier being thinner, I need to fucus on this and follow a plan that helps these problems get a little better

Thank you for watching. πŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

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