Having a down day, 😔 hoping Hive picks me up. 🤞 😢

Hi friends, I'm still here still reading as much as I can but can't stick to my daily posting as at the minute its too much for me, plus there's not much exciting happening at the moment. I don't want to bore you with a post that has nothing going on.


I've been stuck in the house over the last month, I've had a bad cold, think it was more flu as that's what the symptoms where. Its clung on to me for a month, I'm still coughing but not as bad as I was. I still can't allow my oldest daughter to visit. She was supposed to come on the 15th to give me my birthday presents for the 16th but with her being pregnant its too much of a risk as don't want the baby or her to get this.

Its been a lonely month, I haven't seen anyone or spoke to anyone other than hubby and my youngest daughter. One good thing is the weather is getting better, the tempreture is slowly rising, not that I'm looking forward to it getting warmer with having hot flushes. I will have to have more fans on.

I've just had to go through that horrible women check, thankfully I have had the all clear. I have just recieved an appointment for that other horrible woman check a mammogram, I hate these but they have to be done. I'm always a little concerned with the mammograms as my mother had breast cancer twice. I'm also very concerned about my spine as she also had curvature of the spine, this haunts me worse than the breast cancer. I have read that it can be hereditary but your more likely to have it through your fathers side, thankfully he hasn't got it.

I'm now 58 and starting to think about what if a lot more than I have. I am disabled and housebound so have nothing else to think about. I usually have my garden to think about but this year I'm not able to do it as we are trying to get our house sorted. Nichola my youngest daughter is doing her bedroom out, we have a front garden full of furniture that needs picking up but can't get everything picked up at the same time so having to store some furniture in my side garden until I do have it booked to be picked up.

I'm also having a very low day, I'm not interested in anything, I don't want to talk to anyone just want to be alone. I call these my dark days where I fell better in the dark as everything winds me up. I was hoping writing this post would help but sadly no change.

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟

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