A few hours to myself with a few serial killers. 📺 🔪 🔫. 😊

Its been a quiet day here, I was ordered up out of bed early as my daughter Nichola was going out meeting friends and hubby was at work so that left me alone with the pups. Before she left she made me a bowl of cereal and a coffee. Before she left I was given my orders.


Do not take your tablets until hubby gets home.
Do not eat or drink anything until hubby is home.
No going upstairs (as I've fallen down them a couple of times.
Don't answer the door if anyone knocks.

I have a tendency of choking on whatever I eat or drink, I choke on drinking water. Hubby and Nichola are always watching what I'm doing, telling me off for what I'm doing they have even stopped me seasoning my food with Black pepper as I choke on it.

I am very careful when I eat not, small amounts then wait until I have swallowed before eating anymore, I have to make sure I chew really well to. I feel like a child at times. I am always being told don't do this don't do that.

I was left sitting on my settee all by myself, this means the TV is mine which is very rare. I flicked through the channels, I stopped at a channel that was showing documentary's about seriel killers. The first was:

The village killer
Ted Bundy
Killer Butler.

By this time hubby came home, he was quite shocked at what I was watching when I'm alone, I find them very interesting not in a bad way I like to know how they are caught and dealt with. I don't understand why anyone would want to cause anyone else pain, To kill someone is evil.

Hubby soon turned the tv over once he got home as he always watches her favourite shows Tipping Point & The Chase. I wouldn't dare let him miss it as he's been working all day.

My daughter is still out with friends, they have gone to the cinema, Nichola loves watching films. She will be on her way home shortly then we get a full review with all the spoilers, then no need to watch for myself.

Its soon back to bed for me, its getting late and my pups are getting tired. It's Friday again tomorrow so close to another weekend. We have nothing planned apart another food shopping trip plus a look through the baby clothes and see if there is anything I can pick up for my daughter. Don't know where she is going to save it all. I have promised to buy a couple of baby coats 0 - 3 months as I've already bought 2 x 6 - 9 months coats.

That's me done for today, time for bed.

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟

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