Most painful things a human can experience

Have you ever wondered how much pain you could endure ?

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It's not such a merry subject to muse upon, but you can be sure, whatever kinds of physical distress you have imagined, someone somewhere on the planet at one point in time had to suffer it. When imagined such gruesome scenarios we often invoke methods of trouble, the grim fiction of Hollywood films depicting ad hoc tooth extraction or the fingernails being ripped from their rightful place. we might also cast our minds back to ancient and medieval history when humans were brunt at the stake, had their limbs ripped-off or their hearts ripped out. 

Pain? We all deal with it differently, while some studies show men seem to tolerate it better. For long time it was thought to be opposite, as women's bodies and minds are equipped to deal with child birth. The outcome of studies was also said to be the result of men tolerating more pain because of prescribed social notions of masculinity and not necessarily having natural endowment to tolerate pain. how do we even find subjects to test pain limits so we can quantify pain ? would you be part of a study group that allows researchers to burn you ? well, subject at cornell university did just that in the 1940s in what was called studies on pain a new method for measuring pain threshold . Childbirth was measured against burning, with a pregnant women being burned as she was giving birth. Tech media Gizmodo write '' As the heat blistered her hand, the subject helped establish a value of pain intensity encumbered during childbirth. '' The problem was, in other studies on pain people just couldn't take the level of pain further and so it could't be measured. There have been various scales to measure pain but non are conclusive. For instance, some people might pass out quicker than other, due to excessive pain. This happens when the stress on body affects the blood flow to the brain. you pass out your body gives you a well- deserved break.

Going into shock is quite common, so if you've ever been unfortunate enough to see anyone lose a limb or limbs, you might not see them screaming. The brain has its own painkiller system when you are in dire need of it. while we cannot measure the most painful experience, we do tend to agree on what are the worst kind of pain. Perhaps being burned is one thing we all fear, especially the specter of being engulfed in flames. There are different types, of burns, and perhaps some good news is that the worse the burn the lesser pain you might have due to the damage to your nerve endings. so forth degree burns that have basically barbequed you and sent you into shock  may not be as painful as third or even second degree burns. 

Most pain victims will tell you the worst part is the treatment. '' one of the worst realizations is that the pain only gets worse when the fire is out, '' said one man on a Reddit tread discussing burns. another agreed, '' The really excruciating part is the treatment.''some insect stings in fact are supposed to hurt as much as burn. Of all the stings out there, the bullet ant delivers the worst of the worst. women who have experienced childbirth lave said they are the worst pain imaginable. they happen on one side of the head and can last up to three hours. Many television shows have illustrated the absolute agony people can go through, filming sufferers screaming and rolling around on the floor. if you have any idea to share please comment below and upvote post if you like it.



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