What Are Men Good For?

I have realised that the current generation really hasn't a clue what masculinity has achieved in the world or the indispensable and positive role that boys and men play in the well-being of our lives.

We have bred a culture in which it is anathema to mention that a male does any good at all. And this is having devastating consequences for society as a whole and for the mental health of individuals.

In short, you can't expect boys to grow into healthy men without providing them with a positive sense of a distinct identity; and you can't expect girls to grow into healthy women should you teach them to view with suspicion one-half of the population - the half, mind you, that emerged from their bodies, as flesh of their flesh, blood of their blood!

My own experience is that the number one thing that individuals are now suffering from is "Father-hunger". Virtually all other problems emerge from this. Fathers are considered as negligible in the life of a child now, and family units are regarded as artificial constructs with a 'freedom-of-choice" mentality ruling. Two mothers? Sure! Two fathers? Sure! One mother? Sure? A wolf-pack? Sure!

What we do need are programs and educational strategies designed to promote the role of men and the father in society as a way to compensate for the past 40 years of Feminist-inspired rhetoric - which is essentially a hate-fuelled backlash and assault on masculinity.

Now, I am not condemning those who have no choice in the matter, such as single-mothers' who were left to tend solely to their children. I praise their efforts. But...and this is an important but...the child will grow to experience a deficit in his or her life, which he or she will have to expend tremendous amounts of time and energy to overcome.

People need to be taught this, they need to understand that when you undermine or remove a father from sustained interaction with his children they WILL suffer in some way that is NOT necessary.

"One study of school-aged children found that children with good relationships with their fathers were less likely to experience depression, to exhibit disruptive behaviour, or to lie and were more likely to exhibit pro-social behaviour. This same study found that boys with involved fathers had fewer school behaviour problems and that girls had stronger self-esteem.

In addition, numerous studies have found that children who live with their fathers are more likely to have good physical and emotional health, to achieve academically, and to avoid drugs, violence, and delinquent behaviour."

Isn't knowledge such as this reason enough to begin educating boys and girls as to the vital contributions of males?

And we also have a tendency to blame the man for all faults; but if you teach a boy that he has done nothing but been an oppressor of women for millennia and that he is the cause of all of the world's woes (as Feminism surely does) then you can hardly expect that boy to grow into a man willing to embrace the duty of fatherhood, can you?

What we now require is the reverse of what we have been doing for decades. We need to silence Feminist hate-mongering once and for all!

In the same way that we have become sensitised to expressions of 'Misogyny" (the hatred of females), we need to become sensitised to expressions of "Misandry" (the hatred of males).

And we need to stamp out both wherever we should find them.

This won't be an easy task because Misandry is the proverbial water that we goldfish swim in.

Negative portrayals of boys and men abound, and it really doesn't take a genius to connect the dots to the vastly higher rates of suicide for males in comparison with females (as much as diversions from the truth such as 'boys don't express their feelings' attempt to do.)

BOYS AND YOUNG MEN DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO A DISTINCTIVE, USEFUL, NECESSARY AND POSITIVE IDENTITY and that is why they are killing themselves in droves. This needs to be taught to the masses also.

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