KasiaRecommends: Seasonal Jobs. Tips on Why? Where? How?

Dear Steemians,

Today I want to concentrate on giving you simple tips on how to earn a “significant” amount of money during a short period of time – like during holiday time. I put the word significant into quotation mark on purpose. What is significant to me will not necessarily be significant to you. All depends on your background and context.

No matter what your goal is: to travel/buy a moto/ do an expensive certificate (like becoming a paragliding teacher, why not?:)), you R E A L L Y can make it happen.

To whom?


This post is directed mostly to students and people without personal attachments. Yes, no doubts the idea of doing seasonal jobs is easier for people who do not have children to raise and therefore can devote their time only to their goal.
So if you have no serious personal obligations and you can commit yourself to 2-3 months of working abroad, you should definitely try.
I can and I do only talk about my experience. I am Polish and, as a consequence, a European Union (EU) citizen. It is easy for me to travel and work within EU.
But Steemit gathers people from all around the world! I cannot help much here as I don’t know the situation in remote destinations. Nonetheless, I can only assume, that there is a country/region wealthier than yours and within the reach and thus you can act analogically.



In this post, I am writing about possibilities of doing so-called seasonal jobs. What does it mean to me? You can pick up the fruits (like grapes in France, strawberries in Norway etc.). You can also work as a waiter/waitress in the Nordic countries or in the United Kingdom – places that offer not only higher wages, but also tips. And this is crucial for earning more than average. If you are polite, do the job correctly etc. the clients will reward you with a tip, something that is not necessarily “common” in countries like France or Italy.

During my studies at the University, I was working as a waitress in Poland and in France.


You can also try what I did later. For 3 months I was working as a stewardess on a private yacht cruising in the Mediterranean Sea. It is a great job because you don’t pay for rent and for meals (you live on the boat!). But… I was working 17 h a day (from 7 am to 24). I was: serving cocktails or meals/doing laundry/cleaning toilets! In my free time, I was also babysitting (for free) 2 beautiful girls, owner’s daughters, because they simply liked me too much. I was constantly tired. But I had my goal.



There are countries that offer high minimum wages even for the basic jobs. Not every well-developed country is a good example. For instance, working in gastronomy in Spain or France will not be too profitable. So my suggestion would be to choose countries like United Kingdom, Denmark, Norway, Switzerland, maybe Germany. If you want to try working as a steward/stewardess – go to places with well-developed marinas, like in South of France, and North of Italy.



You can work your ass off but if you keep spending the money you have earned so hard, it will never make sense and will only leave you with disappointment.
You have to keep your expenses at a minimum level. What does it mean in practice? If you have to rent an accommodation - make sure to rent a room in a shared apartment or maybe consider sharing a room. Bear in mind that it will just be for a short period of time. In the end, you will probably spend most of your time at work anyway. In most countries accommodation is often a significant expense. Prepare the food for yourself and shop in discount supermarkets. Don’t go out to restaurants or bars in order to reward yourself for your hard work! After all, your goal (travel, purchase, certificate etc.) will be your reward, right? Stay strong and focused on what really matters! ;) Maybe your will is stronger than you have expected? :)

I really believe that if you want something badly, you will move mountains to reach it. But if you don’t, you will only find excuses.

Sending joy,

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