What is a Tarek Pukat

Steemit friends who are not familiar with how to catch fish traditionally in Aceh is Tarek Pukat.


In the aceh language, tarek pukat means fishing nets, where this activity takes place in the pesisisr area, which is a routine activity of the fishermen. The activity of trawler is very strong in Aceh culture, as we know the area of ​​Aceh is surrounded by the sea. In addition, tarek pukat is a regional dance in which this dance depicts the activities of "nose paws"

Tarek Pukat is one of the most famous dance area of ​​Aceh. This dance tells about how the life of the people of Aceh who live in coastal pesisir, where most of the eyed search as a fisherman,


It's a trawler. It can be tried in steemit friends' area


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